Thread started by
LACMsux at 11.24.10 - 3:06 pm
Is Aktive gonna show up this time? or he gonna come up with an excuse? lol anyone here wanna take a guess what his excuse going to be? feel free to post it here :)
so LACM is this friday...
lets see dont show up? haha
or u will get a ticket and see cops in riot gear ready to trow u guys down D: remember the ones u saw on Ralphs on last LACM? yeah they were ready, so the ride leader said lets get the fuck out of here LoL!! so yeah ur choice is yours here some pics i found in here on MR Recent gallery and pics from other ppl i thought i think were lolish.
Hide my face
Not giving a shit
AM i HIP??
Hello i take my kids to LACM!
Enjoy ur friday on a fucked up ride!!!
"Let 'em hate, and just watch your money pile up."
^olsko*jr711.24.10 - 3:48 pm
It's true that haters are gonna hate. It's simplistic, however, to accuse LACMSux of only being a hater. His point about Friday's ride potentially not being fun because of the police presence is very well taken and extremely relevant.
I want fun and the cops there will likely keep me from experiencing that.
indigis responding to a
comment by alexdc
11.24.10 - 3:52 pm
Only if your idea of fun requires violating CVC.
alexdc responding to a
comment by indigis
11.24.10 - 3:56 pm
stfu u allways bring that shit up go troll somewhere else
LACMsux responding to a
comment by alexdc
11.24.10 - 4:02 pm
check my profile. i'll list it there for a bit.
indigis responding to a
comment by LACMsux
11.24.10 - 4:34 pm
oh and watch out for drunk drivers thats why we need corking motherfuckers
LACMsux11.24.10 - 7:07 pm
Happy Thanksgiving LACMsux!
I bring up CVC because that's the primary reason there's a schism in Critical Mass Los Angeles. To ignore it is foolish. To ignore LAPD's interest in our bike ride is foolish. You seem to wish to ignore what's going on.
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.
alexdc responding to a
comment by LACMsux
11.25.10 - 6:52 am
if i can jump in here.......
---------->attention:the soulution to get rid of lapd at critical mass is to not have critical mass anymore in the city of la!!!!!!aint that a big duh.........<------------------
change the meet up to a unicorporated city like per se glendale and lapd will have no juristiction in entering such unincorporated cities....
aint that a no brainer!
steven11.25.10 - 5:00 pm
Dude, just like everyone else, Aktiv has a life. He can't make every single ride, but he is one of the few people willing to step up as an actual leader of the ride and work with LAPD in the moment to make it a safe and fun ride. Sure, there has been discord, but Aktiv has stepped up to lead a ride when everyone else is saying "oh no, it has to be leaderless."
And in his absence last month, a few ridazz stepped up to lead the ride and, yes, they ran into a few blunders, but instead of bringing down people who are trying to help, why not offer a real suggestion instead of just hating?
Did last month kinda suck, yes. Was it Aktiv's fault: NO. Luv to you, Aktiv!
danceralamode11.25.10 - 5:10 pm
it was aktivs fault he didnt show up cops start doing there thing because they saw a kid leading the ride with a skunk suit on -.-
LACMsux responding to a
comment by danceralamode
11.25.10 - 6:02 pm
Should I wear my skunk suit more often??
palucha66 responding to a
comment by LACMsux
11.25.10 - 7:25 pm
Grow a beard, continue wearing your flannel and become the man you truly aspire to be....
Bob Vila.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by palucha66
11.26.10 - 9:00 am
Activ was sick last month.
But even if he wasn't, who gives a fuck?
I appreciate all the love that Activ puts into LACM
But the very point of not having a "leader" or a hierarchy is that is somebody is sick, bored, tired or in jail it doesn't matter. LACM will go on.
LACM has been happening since you were playing with Tonka trucks.
Its going to keep going and going, as it has for over 10 years, despite the cops, despite the negativity, despite the naysayers. The multiple rides popping up this month attest to that.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by LACMsux
11.26.10 - 9:58 am
yes, it is a "no-brainer". Glendale is an incorporated city, and an unincorporated city would be patrolled by the sheriffs. both the county sheriffs and most municipal police departments have been shown to treat group cycling MUCH MUCH worse than the LAPD do. especially Glendale, Burbank, Culver City, etc. LAPD usually gives us the MOST leeway of nearly all the LE in LA county
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by steven
11.26.10 - 10:47 am
Theres a group of us planning to do something else tonight.
stillline11.26.10 - 4:08 pm
how was it?? i heard aktive isnt going to show up no more lolz i saw him on the alternative cm ride xD
LACMsux11.27.10 - 2:02 pm