Cereal Cyclists 2nd Fri

Thread started by
TheRaquel at 04.9.10 - 3:18 pm
2ns Friday ride tonight in the valley Cereal cyclist
this is NOT a fast ride despite what you may think...come out and ride...we are gonna make sure y'all make the last train esp since a lot of us training for ALC have a century tomorrow...
hope to see y'all there
Great ride. We need more valley rides...thanks Raquel!
barleye04.10.10 - 12:58 am
last night was fun and chill
and on the way back to the red line we got a cop to say "hey are you guys the midnight ridazz" and all gave us an air high-five and a huge smile and wave..
why cant all cops be like that?
Thegirlinglass04.10.10 - 12:28 pm
all rides have great people. the awesome thing about this ride, in addition to the sledding session, was that all people were great people
thanks sam for posting and leading the LA riders meetup - hope your shit went off bike napalm in vietnam today
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.10.10 - 12:37 pm
It was nice to meet some names to the faces ,
Fun ridin in the valley with nice long streets
By the park at the end a cop got on his loud speaker and said ," midnight ridazzz" pretty sweet
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
04.10.10 - 1:09 pm
that was one of my most favorite rides! the amount of bicyclists with little stereos was astounding. overall the vibe was very awesome. the trek down to the dam was so beautiful and when we were in there it was surreal, i had never been down there, always just seen it from the freeway/street.
thank you all for a great time.
i wish we had more valley rides, the meet up was within a fair biking distance of where i live (8 miles) and that was very cool. whoever did the route was cool, the tunnel below van nuys airport is fun... we just needed a 7/11 stop at least once even just for necessities like water before going down to the dam, u know?
Antranik04.10.10 - 2:41 pm
i now have a hole in the ass of my cereal cycling shorts and a sweet scab on my ass cheek from dam sledding. thanks mystery girl for going tandem with me.
five thumbs up.
slowrighthand04.10.10 - 4:44 pm
My knuckles and knees are pretty much in the same condition from just heaving my Clydesdale ass up the walls.
The dam in and of itself never fails to deliver.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
04.10.10 - 4:51 pm
you gotta love rollin' the valley streets,,, way better than DT... and it was cool meetin some new peeps , and seeing a few old ones too.. good ride
kinglud104.10.10 - 6:16 pm
If you lost a light on the ride...email me a description Cuz I found one.
barleye04.10.10 - 6:38 pm
It shines and has batteries
when can I pick it up.
Foldie responding to a
comment by barleye
04.10.10 - 7:40 pm
Anyone happen to see my tire pump? It's a Topeak Road Morph.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.11.10 - 3:59 am
Agreed... A 7/11 stop would have been in order. I was glad that (by chance) I decided to buy my beer at the meeting point. However, we would have liked to buy more munchies. If we were at least made aware that there would be no beer stops, that would be helpful.
However, as said before, this was a very cool ride. We enjoyed it, even as part of the Midnight Leftbehindazz pack. ;p
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by Antranik
04.11.10 - 1:12 pm
I know im a little late..
Cereally an AWESOME RIDE!! Thanks Team MR for the good route and good vibes..
I'd have to agree.. NOT ENOUGH RIDES IN THE SFV!!
Anybody who enjoyed the flat lands of the valley PLEASE make your way out APRIL 24th ------->>
To everyone else... THERE'S NO BEER STOPS ON 2ND FRIDAY!!!
SnapperS04.11.10 - 1:37 pm
AND we still made it to Que Ricos for super nachos!
SnapperS04.11.10 - 1:57 pm
Wet carne-asada, followed by gobbling up what July couldn't eat.
The Valley, a nice place to get your ride and your eat on!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by SnapperS
04.11.10 - 2:15 pm