CubCamp 2010
Thread started by
jericho1ne at 01.8.10 - 7:15 pm
Hi all.
Whether you've ever been on CubCamp or not, we'd like to invite you on our weekly journeys, which start at 9pm on Thursdays at the infamous BikeRoWave, at 12255 Venice Bl (just east of Centinela).
Please don't confuse this with a testosterone-infused ride, even though our ratio is way too skewed towards the male gender. That really needs to change. I like to think of CubCamp as a newbie-friendly ride for folks that want to explore the city as well as push their muscles and their lungs a little bit.
For those that have tagged along, whether it's been only once or multiple times, why don't you post your short description of feelings CubCamp evokes for you.
beware of f.u.n. and pizza
Gav01.8.10 - 8:13 pm
CubCamp started me on the path of my addiction with speed.
It's like a fun-filled, supportive gateway drug into a quicker-paced world of riding!
BMFW01.9.10 - 8:43 pm
Well if it isn't the South Beach pimp squad!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by franz
01.9.10 - 8:54 pm
I don't even know the story behind this one, it's from before I even knew about CubCamp. But it looks dope =)
jericho1ne01.9.10 - 10:32 pm
i have enjoyed the hermosa beach pizza runs and the ventures into DTLA. one of these thursdays i mean to catch up with you guys, but it's a bit of a trek trying to get to venice from LB.
tfunk40801.10.10 - 12:19 am
Cubcamp gives me orgasm flashbacks.
I can't wait to do you again Cubby.
richtotheie01.10.10 - 10:32 am
e-rock01.28.10 - 8:18 pm
Ha the high-speed pursuit graphic was from a sort of "race" I put together with a weird system of rules and point scoring in which one person was the cop each round (with real police uniform shirt) and everyone else were robbers. Person with the most points at the end of a bunch of rounds meandering around the west side, scored loot at the end. Kind of weird but it was pretty fun. That was back in the day where I had time to do photoshop work for everything I did and over complicate things with thinking too much.
GarySe7en02.4.10 - 3:20 pm
WOAH! cubcamp got rawsome! and speedy! Next thursday, same bat time, same bat channel, bring your quickness!
e-rock02.26.10 - 9:29 am
Perhaps we're due for Transatlantic Powerboat Voyage?
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by e-rock
02.26.10 - 9:40 am
FASTER!!!! I wasn't out of breath
Gav responding to a
comment by e-rock
02.26.10 - 9:55 am
Stats from my computer last night (excluding my ride to and from Bikerowave):
Average Speed 19.6mph
Distance: 32.5
Fun times!
GarySe7en responding to a
comment by Gav
02.26.10 - 12:54 pm
Gary, them's some digets!
e-rock02.26.10 - 3:29 pm
Gav responding to a
comment by e-rock
02.26.10 - 4:00 pm
Really good ride last night.
My first Cub Camp and certainly not my last.
Many thanks to everyone.
Such Fun.
adamthelizard02.26.10 - 8:19 pm
Really tough for me to get there by 9pm on a weeknight unless I drive (which kinda kills my boner). I want to try this and can’t believe I’ve never made it out in the past. Are you still doing the 5-week cycles?
Kakihara03.3.10 - 2:10 pm
I think ill check this one out tomorrow
smazz03.3.10 - 2:47 pm
I think lvl 3
Gav responding to a
comment by _iJunes
03.3.10 - 3:15 pm
Come down to Westchester and TT with Team Touch.
BMFW responding to a
comment by Gav
03.3.10 - 4:06 pm
That reply was meant for the entirety of CubCampers for tomorrow night. We'll probably be getting back to Westchester from our ride at the same time you guys would get there.
BMFW03.3.10 - 4:08 pm
Last week was fast and fun. Looking forward to this week. Cya out there.
KevinRH03.3.10 - 5:34 pm
Cubcamp Rock Camp Rocks
Fastest ride on the westside (that starts on a thursday night, after 9pm)
e-rock03.5.10 - 2:28 pm
My 1st Cubcamp ride and I have to say thanks for the Ass kicking on those UCLA hills. Adding those to one of my workouts.
ridetime03.5.10 - 8:45 pm
@jetson, I check these forums _extremely_ infrequently, give a call (650-three87-thirty70), we'll ride for sure.
@Cubs! This week, Silver Lake Res, with the quickness... can you keep up?
e-rock03.9.10 - 3:44 pm
woooo CUBS! have a nice week off!?
time for some riding, see you all tomorrow!
e-rock03.24.10 - 2:23 pm
get ready to get yo climb on!
e-rock04.1.10 - 4:19 pm
fixed gear possible tonight?
ezzie04.1.10 - 4:32 pm
Sure, as long as you're comfortable climbing on whatever ratio you've got going the climb shouldn't be all that bad.
I'd be more worried about the descent though, I hope you at least have a front brake! Honestly, we barely encounter any traffic on Sepulveda on the way down, but it's a non-stop descent for about 15-20 mins, you shouldn't do it without brakes. It's been done brakeless before, but it's pretty exhausting on your legs.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by ezzie
04.1.10 - 5:20 pm
awesome ride, those long ascents were really tough for me, need to learn how to carve them better. wayne was trying to encourage but it wasn't working enough. thanks for waiting for my slow fixed gear ass.
ezzie04.2.10 - 3:09 am
Gav04.2.10 - 11:31 am
dear cubcamp,
my legs have a strange way of thanking you for last night
lets do this again soon.
e-rock04.2.10 - 2:15 pm
is it rain or shine this week?
tomato04.20.10 - 9:47 am
Someone might be making a long-delayed return this week...
BMFW04.20.10 - 11:18 am
Bah, scratch that. My leg's acting up; probably pushing myself too hard post-accident when I can't walk without a limp.
Next week, same Cub-time, same Cub-channel, +1 level?
BMFW04.22.10 - 7:18 pm
I think cub camp sure is a lot of fun.
tinyE05.3.10 - 11:24 pm
You'll get faster if you come this week.
BMFW responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
05.4.10 - 3:25 am
Pushed the pace up a notch last night; good to see everyone respond in turn.
And, just so we're clear: CubCamp > Iron Man 2 OH SNAP WHAT NOW SUPER COLTON BROS?
BMFW05.7.10 - 1:38 pm
Just a thought:
BMFW05.11.10 - 4:35 pm
i thought about riding on thursday night, but i'm too much of a bitch to go through dark ass tpg cyn at night with a knog light.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by BMFW
05.11.10 - 4:38 pm
i thought about riding on thursday night, but i'm too much of a bitch. to go through dark ass tpg cyn at night with a knog light.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by _iJunes
05.12.10 - 1:07 am
Hey im a little bitch and i went to a level 1 once and now im scared to go on any higher levels cuz i only haz a fixed gear. So my question is, whens the next level 1?
TheDRAGHIT05.13.10 - 10:00 am
It's all good, this week won't be any harder than next week's "Level 1". Seriously, it's a short ride, if you wanna make it tougher, you just do more of the short hill climbs to tire yourself you.
We'll have you all back in bed by 11pm, I promise.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by TheDRAGHIT
05.13.10 - 11:40 am
i'm excited for tonight. level 1 rides kick my ass because i'm slow, but i keep coming back :P
tomato05.20.10 - 9:18 am
No worries, that Fro Yo in everyone's tummies will cool down the pace. There will be route maps available - either way, nobody gets dropped on level 1s.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by tomato
05.20.10 - 9:48 am
fun times! we made it to milk right as it was closing ..whew! yogurtland was yummyland.
everyone was nice enough not to drop me weee!
tomato05.21.10 - 10:32 am
Good to hear :) What time did you get to Yogurtland?
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by tomato
05.21.10 - 11:07 am
Yogurtland a little after 11 -- we kept the pace pretty sedate.
Got a route planned for the 27th yet? :)
bryan_w05.25.10 - 2:40 pm
looks like an awesome route!. (I wish you guys would create a new event for each ride instead of repurposing the old ones for archival purposes) :)
Roadblock responding to a
comment by jericho1ne
05.27.10 - 12:38 pm
coming out with a possibly cracked crankset. determined for full failure before replacement.
_iJunes06.3.10 - 1:35 pm
i see what you did with this week's route, jericho
tfunk40806.9.10 - 6:45 pm
CubCamp has a new policy - no (fast) rider left behind. We wait for flats and mechanical troubles.
Ladies are starting their own pack, and they tend to leave 5-10 mins before the guys. So far it's been working out quite nicely!
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by tfunk408
06.10.10 - 11:01 am
route for tonight (6/17) is posted
bryan_w06.17.10 - 4:31 pm
Cub Camp was truly my gateway drug to more riding. Cub Camp was such an adventurous and challenging yet exciting and supporting ride. Love it love it and always will !!
KataCyklsLA2NY09.7.10 - 10:40 am
YES PLEASE. taco tuesdays has too many stopeseseseseses.
cattv responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.7.10 - 10:42 am
If the old leaders don't want to run it anymore, we can just meet at brikrowave and ride
EinSteiner09.7.10 - 12:26 pm
Cub Camp's a Thursday night thing anyway, so aside from being Westside, "Apples and Oranges".
bentstrider responding to a
comment by cattv
09.7.10 - 12:33 pm
Maybe ask Eric or Mihai if you can post Cubcamp and maybe they can hand over a list of previous routes
Gav responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.7.10 - 8:04 pm
alec responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.7.10 - 8:21 pm
not dissing le Taco Kisses. much love for that ride and its young tricksters and red light ticket opportunities. just wishing there were more westside rides. =)
cattv responding to a
comment by bentstrider
09.8.10 - 9:49 am
Wait, but why is cub camp starting on the east side?
EinSteiner09.8.10 - 10:26 am
CubCamp transcends space and time! (and start locations)
Some of CubCamp's originators used to reside (and some still do) in Echo Park, figured it be a nice change of scenery.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.8.10 - 11:31 am
Ditch the westside and come to the bestside!
Hipsters unite!
Foldie responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.8.10 - 12:00 pm
is this a one time thing starting in echo park, or will future rides also start there?
tfunk40809.8.10 - 12:46 pm
CubCamp rides with Cyclones nowadays ;)
CubClones!!! CloneCamp!
In the Future (which is Now, according to most Ridazz) start location will vary back and forth between the BikeRoWave and the Church of Scientology. It may become a monthly ride, because after all, it is a party on wheels, and too much of a good thing can be bad.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by tfunk408
09.9.10 - 2:07 pm
All of CubCamp with 100% certainly should ride with TRFKAS every Wednesday!!!
John09.9.10 - 3:01 pm
And all of TRFKAS should (and kinda do already) ride with Bicykillers!
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by John
09.9.10 - 3:11 pm
Mos Def!!!
Bicykillers = Best place to be in the entire world on a Thursday night!!!
John responding to a
comment by BICYKILLER
09.9.10 - 3:16 pm
I think there was more love between CubCamp and Bicykillers when CC was on the west side. We over here at Cyclones have figured out a way to coexist with Wolfpack on Mondays very nicely, like LeBron and D Wade. Different start times and different styles helps, it's nice to have something for everyone. Hey, some people dig going to Passage on Wednesday night but if I can carry out the basketball analogy, TRFKAS is the Lakers. Kobe Gabriel.
KevinRH09.9.10 - 3:31 pm
Well it sucks having to go way east or north to do rides with all the dangerous shit out there right now, (people getting beat by bats, getting hit and runs, ect) Getting there is not too bad, its the riding home alone at midnight/ 3am thats scary. Now we are moving one of the only fast westisde rides to the eastside?
EinSteiner responding to a
comment by KevinRH
09.9.10 - 4:23 pm
word up. i am moving back to LA in a couple weeks so i'll ride with you guys (hopefully regularly) soon.
tfunk40809.10.10 - 1:45 am
CubClones or CloneCamp -- so hard to pick, but both are awesome. I'm super glad you're having starts over here. Even though we continued to drive to CubCamp after moving Eastside, this is definitely going to make me a regular again!
nancine responding to a
comment by jericho1ne
09.10.10 - 12:16 pm
a bump for tomorrow's ride. terribly excited!
nancine09.15.10 - 3:17 pm
Very much in support of another fast westside ride, seems like they've all died out (RIP dirty thirty)
Real question: Does the westside have the ridazz to support one?
Biron responding to a
comment by EinSteiner
09.16.10 - 5:06 pm
West side probably has more riders than east side with all the roadies, but not many of them ride at night I am assuming. I would go for a westside ride
EinSteiner responding to a
comment by Biron
09.16.10 - 5:14 pm