Another cyclist killed...

Thread started by
Dmaddweeler at 05.12.11 - 1:20 am
I know I heard rite on fox eleven news....this clown in a hummer plows into a couple cyclist injuring them takes off then crashes into parked car keeps rolling and then he runs over another two cyclist only thing this time he kills one of them...the first two he hit only had minor injuries...its fucked up careful out there...
Is this the incident which occured a few weeks ago in Ventura, or another wack job in a Hummer? In any case, this makes me mad enough to go out and tourch some Hummers!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Mook
06.7.11 - 1:06 pm
ive always disliked hummers now I have a reason to hate hummers
Waffles06.7.11 - 6:50 pm