Cycling iphone Apps

Thread started by
Huey555 at 03.6.11 - 6:55 pm

Any suggestions? just joined the iphony revolution.
lol that will just lead me to hookers and drugs..hey wait a minute i might like that app
Huey555 responding to a
comment by palucha66
03.6.11 - 8:09 pm
nevermind..imapmyride seems pretty kool. just curious what you all use.
Huey55503.6.11 - 11:08 pm
The day they stop being "provider exclusive" is the day I get one of these devices.
bentstrider03.7.11 - 12:01 am
Iphone is the fixed gear of the telcom world. Every hipster has one and is no longer kewl.
Switch to Android bro......
sack or crack you choose03.7.11 - 8:57 am
.... and get the MY TRACKS app.
^olsko*jr7 responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
03.7.11 - 9:19 am
lol i will look into this.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
03.7.11 - 4:51 pm
android MyTracks for the win! You can post your routes right to google maps...and the app can include GPS tracking etc...
adrian03.7.11 - 5:21 pm
California law gives you 30 days to return it, I suggest you do and get an Android.
Avi03.7.11 - 7:54 pm
These things cost a bundle.
I'm not even sure how all the kiddies are convincing their parentals to get these for them.
When I was that age, I was lucky to have a phone card!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mattspeed
03.7.11 - 11:02 pm
I slowly worked my way up from a crappy 10$ prepaid phone. Actually my iphone plan is a prepaid plan haha.
mattspeed responding to a
comment by bentstrider
03.8.11 - 10:48 am
I never knew you could utilize a pre-paid plan on those.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mattspeed
03.8.11 - 11:17 am
Prepaid = Poor mans phone plan
Avi responding to a
comment by mattspeed
03.8.11 - 1:17 pm
pfff, it's the smart way to do it. No contract and it's cheaper.
mattspeed responding to a
comment by Avi
03.8.11 - 3:57 pm
pfff, Android is the smart way, Does more, has insurance if it gets lost or stolen and it's cheaper.
Avi responding to a
comment by mattspeed
03.8.11 - 6:37 pm
pfff, Android is the smart way, Does more, has insurance if it gets lost or stolen and it's cheaper. womp
Wahwahwaaaamp. Android is an operating system for mobile devices, not a device or a manufacturer of devices. Some devices running the Android OS are cheaper than iPhones, some aren't. Some devices running the Android OS are more feature-rich than iPhones, some aren't. Some retailers of devices running the Android OS offer insurance, some don't. Bzzzzzzzzrrrrzzz
PC responding to a
comment by Avi
03.9.11 - 2:52 pm
You are 100% correct. A T-mobile G1 has nothing on an iphone and there was a time where iphones were superior. There is no doubt that there are many Android based phones today that do everything an iphone can and more and these are what I was referring to in my previous posts.
It's sad how Apple treats it customers so poorly and they keep coming back for more. For the last few years they only sold their phones through the worst cellphone carrier and most people put up with it. If they cared about their customers they should have gave them the choice to be on whatever network they wanted, just like blackberry used to be. Here is something to think about: 20 years ago I had a waterproof walkman, today waterproof cameras are plentiful, how is that Apple,with all the amazing stuff they do, can't make a waterproof iphone? My Android phone isn't waterproof but unlike the iphone it has a cover that the easily changeable battery and swappable memory card are under that is probably a little trickier to make water tight. iphones are made (now with tamper proof screws) to keep the owner out and let water in. Must have something to do with their swap a water damaged iphone for $200 deal as I understand it. If they cared about their customers like their customers cared about them it wouldn't be that way. The crap they pull disgusts me and I want no part of it.
On the other hand, my insured with a $130 deductible, running on T-mobile, only ever paid for 2 apps, has a spare battery, has a front face camera, can video chat with iphones, can make calls through WiFi (without Skype or any app.), does's everything an iphone does except look cool to morons that like iphones, Android powered HTC makes me happy.
Avi responding to a
comment by PC
03.9.11 - 4:17 pm
Srsly, after all that you're not even going to tell us what model?
HTC EVO Shift 4G over here, for the time being. It runs Android, in case you hadn't guessed. Rooted and stripped of carrier/manufacturer bloatware and most of SenseUI. If webOS ever starts showing up on hardware that is worthy of it and people start writing apps for it, I'll go back to it in a hot second--it's vastly superior as a multitasking OS to Android or iOS.
PC responding to a
comment by Avi
03.9.11 - 5:36 pm
It's a "my touch 4G".
Avi responding to a
comment by PC
03.9.11 - 5:47 pm