No more room
Thread started by
jayz at 01.15.11 - 1:58 am
No more room in some rides for those of us who still ride conversions, or those who are in a budget because we have student loans to pay for, bills, or have a family to feed. It seems like everytime someone goes to a ride in a conversion, or not riding with the latest track frame, or a aerospoke everyone starts judging them and looking at them as if their bike is inferior... I am still one of the few that believe that is all in the Rida, that he or she is the one pushing the pedals, that you can still ride your budget bicycle past others in bikes worth twice the price you paid. So people, let's ride our bicycles and stop judging others, you don't know their story, let's stop being bike snobs and push hard on those cranks!!!!!!
Well a lot of those kids that ride conversions just try to look cool but end up with ugly ass skittle bikes.
For the other part your right.
I ride an 70-80s huffy 10 speed weighing over 25lbs and iv finished wolfpack and a dark century. Ima do my second dark century on it next week :)
Dean453701.15.11 - 2:08 am
I've seen the skittle rides and all, but what I meant was those who ride with their conversions with just the the right parts an still proudly having the original decals and so on, not some rattle can, half-assed paint job to get attention(wrong kind of attention, if you ask me).
jayz responding to a
comment by Dean4537
01.15.11 - 2:15 am
I dunno. I went on a ride tonight and I didn't feel like anyone was looking at anyone in any kind of pretentious manner. Another rida & I were actually discussing the lack of fixies around and thinking that it was quite interesting and not a bad thing. Basicaly: ignore the haters. They're clearly the ones who have the issues. Unless you make it an issue, it ain't an issue. It's *always* all about the Rida. And if you go on the same ride twice and get the same response from the folks around...choose a different ride or start your own.
sinaphile responding to a
comment by jayz
01.15.11 - 2:35 am
uhh, yeah
ignore any haters
I have ridden two bikes on rides: a nice ass roadie and a beat ass conversion
appreciating nice bikes is great, bike snobbery is not
"Imagine how I'd be on your bike." or "And I still have no trouble keeping up with you."
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by sinaphile
01.15.11 - 2:49 am
You make a good point, there are good rides out there, but there's also a handful of rides which are so elitist. Some ridazz just want to ride, and not be judged, but you're right, if you feel uncomfortable, then maybe that's not the ride for you. The point I'm trying to get through people is that we should stop bile snobs and focus on riding. It's a long shot, but it can be done. There's also no excuse for those half-assed, spray can, neon bright, brake-less, single speed bikes!!!! If you want to ride, be responsible, and safe about it. Carry extra tubes or a patch kit!!!
jayz responding to a
comment by sinaphile
01.15.11 - 2:50 am
be safe and come prepaired
but now you sound like a snob
how can you say dont hate on conversions but then hate on someone's type of paint or color style?
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by rayrayray
01.15.11 - 2:58 am
Be proud of your bike's color, or if you're gonna paint it, at least do it right, it's really not that hard. Not hating on color schemes, but if you're going to do something, do it right, or don't do it at all.
jayz responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
01.15.11 - 3:07 am
Sorry buddy. "do it right or don't do it at all" is a total judgement. What is "right" to you may not be right to someone else. You know that whole talk the talk/walk the walk thang? Might wanna think about it, in that respect.
sinaphile responding to a
comment by jayz
01.15.11 - 5:25 am
How did this guy get in the forum without the right components?
marino01.15.11 - 8:55 am
The way your bike looks reflect on your personality
El_Fredone01.15.11 - 10:25 am
I have never been on a ride and have that happen. If so then those people aren't the types you wanna know anyway. Ride what you ride let the rest fall in the wind.
et01.15.11 - 10:42 am
You're going on the wrong rides with the wrong people, son.
Ms. Stephanie01.15.11 - 12:18 pm
seriously! i have a beaty ass single speed conversion and have never been looked down upon. why would i even take anything better on a ride so it can get jacked?
coldcut responding to a
comment by Ms. Stephanie
01.15.11 - 12:22 pm
blue micargi singlespeed. with baggy pants and a buzz lightyear backpack full of mikes hard lemonade (seriously). trying to hang with bicykillers.
ruinedbyidiots01.15.11 - 11:49 pm
I look down on those fancy bikes unless I know it is being piloted by a legit rider. It's just like these neo-greasers buying hot rods and Harleys. It's really easy to buy "cool". Aerospokes make me want to barf and Hed 3's are for racing you hipsters!
Velocipede01.16.11 - 8:56 am
Every weekend they're on PCH in O.C.
Carbon fiber frames, Dura Ace and pro team kits and all.
Some are indeed legit, but many are only going as far as the nearest Starbucks!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Velocipede
01.16.11 - 6:44 pm
It's a free country. People can ride whatever bikes they please. As long as they aren't stolen, why can't we all recognize that the more cyclists there are on the roads of every stripe, the stronger we get?
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
01.16.11 - 9:28 pm
riding to the next starbucks =/= riding to the next 7-11
ruinedbyidiots01.16.11 - 10:26 pm
Don't remind me! I like the guys with all the gear and a big fat gut to match.
Velocipede responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
01.16.11 - 11:10 pm
I like bikes. Bikes are really cool. Not bikes are kind of lame, but whatever.
lackflag01.17.11 - 12:55 am
Every sport has this phenomenon. How many slobs have you seen wearing a Kobe or Joe Montana jersey? Let them have their fun. I'm sure all those dentists and accountants on their day off have no delusions that they are pro cyclists.
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by Velocipede
01.17.11 - 8:11 am
If people are looking down on you because your bike's not pimp enough then they aren't midnight ridazz. But really, stop giving a fuck about a bunch of snobby kids who don't appreciate the ride and the camaraderie of the group. Not worth it. Ditch their ride and let them enjoy their snobfest all by themselves.
kryxtanicole01.17.11 - 10:29 am
Yep, this is true. I ride old, beat-up, but RELIABLE bikes - because, that's me.
While you pre-schoolers with your "My First Fixies" in their Playskool colors, ride like you're just learning.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by El_Fredone
01.17.11 - 11:33 am
We call those circle jerks, or jack-off fest.
"Hey Bro, your bike is hot."
"Thanks, your bike is tight, too."
"Yeah, Bro, says a lot about yourself, your bike."
"Thanks, I like you too, er... your bike."
"Uh, bro, where can I get some Plan B?"
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
01.17.11 - 11:39 am
Just like those groups of kids driving lifted trucks and salivating over chrome and suspension kits.
Plenty of clean 4x4s, plenty of dudes, but no women in sight to speak of.
In the words of Eric Cartman....
"Screw you guys, I'M GOIN HOME!!!!"
bentstrider responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
01.17.11 - 3:44 pm
What rides do you go to? I dont see to much bike snobbing going around .....
OsnapsonJC01.18.11 - 12:14 pm
it only matters if you care about what the fixie whippers think.
Roadblock01.18.11 - 12:26 pm
i hate all of your bikes.
either because they're stupid pieces of crap or because they're not stupid pieces of crap and i don't own them.
slowrighthand01.18.11 - 12:52 pm
I ride with some of the most expensive uber bikes money can buy and I could give a damn what they think.... you still gotta wait for me cause I got the route!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
01.18.11 - 12:56 pm
hmmm.... so THAT'S how you do it!!!
coldcut responding to a
comment by Roadblock
01.18.11 - 3:24 pm
nothing matters once enough roadies tell you that you have a cool bike.
Gav01.18.11 - 3:40 pm
a roadie saying you have a cool bike is like a hipster saying you have good taste in music. the only opinion that matters is your own.
coldcut responding to a
comment by Gav
01.18.11 - 4:31 pm
hmmm. that's like a toddler calling someone their hero. what the fuck do they know?!
coldcut responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
01.18.11 - 9:05 pm
the fixie haters can use a clue a two from this video!!!
me i dont give a fuck wat they think.
+big number on the video!!!
fixie4life responding to a
comment by filmillr
01.18.11 - 10:56 pm
"Blah blah blah, eat my meat.
[I]got more freak tales than ty cha, and if ya don't believe me ask ya ma ma
Don't bother me while I talk to ya feet, cause ya givin me that look like fuck me please.
I'm too sexy for my self
I'm too sexy for my own health
I'm too sexy for the boys in blue
I'm too sexy for the girls at school
I'm too sexy for the vip
I'm too sexy for you to get with me
I'm too sexy for the movie screen
I'm so sexy just shoot me please "
Roadies wanna have my bike
fixters hang around
third-wheel: trike
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by fixie4life
01.19.11 - 2:36 am
I have some friends with ugly bikes. I don't judge.
(Looking at you, slowrighthand)
imachynna01.20.11 - 2:07 pm
Watch out Chynna, he might sic Rambod on you!
buckchin responding to a
comment by imachynna
01.20.11 - 2:24 pm