Car Plows into Group of Cyclist in Italy

Thread started by
Aglets at 12.5.10 - 12:05 pm
"ROME - A speeding car plowed head-on into a group of cyclist in southern Italy on Sunday morning, killing eight of them, officials said. The driver has been smoking marijuana, police said"
Sad news to read. My prayers go out to their family.
A speeding car plowed head-on into a group of cyclists in southern Italy on Sunday morning, killing eight of them, officials said. The driver had been smoking marijuana, police said.
In addition to the eight cyclists killed, four people were injured: two cyclists and the driver and a young boy in the car with him, said Maria Dolores Rucci, commander of the road police in nearby Catanzaro.
The ANSA news agency said the driver, who was only slightly injured, was placed under arrest on charges of multiple homicide. A police spokesman who declined to give his name said the man, a Moroccan national, had tested positive for marijuana.
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Head on...Damn....
Ninja biker12.5.10 - 2:01 pm
oh man! horrible news.
marijuana stays in your system for weeks, even months if you're a heavy smoker. what proof did the cops actually have?
coldcut12.5.10 - 3:40 pm
A police spokesman who declined to give his name said the man, a Moroccan national,
And watch as their anti-immigration crowd gets riled up by this.
Bad enough the ingrate killed people while driving and doing who knows what, but then the news media just has to further add to the instigation by adding that tidbit in their.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
12.5.10 - 4:12 pm
This Moron had lost his license 7 months prior to this massacre and he lost it for reckless driving. This fucking idiot of a human being made this happen not because of drugs but because of his own reckless stupidity that ruined many lives...
AestheticMynd responding to a
comment by bentstrider
12.6.10 - 3:15 am
Yes, that too.
Regardless of nationality and other standings like that, this guy has just lost all "safe-cards" in my book.
Take him out back and be done with it.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
12.6.10 - 3:42 am
It was reported that the drivers last words before colliding with the cyclists was, "Want a hit?"
CrackSmoke responding to a
comment by coldcut
12.6.10 - 7:36 am
That scene with all the bodies covered in the street with bike parts surrounding the bodies, is worse than a nightmare and it is real. So tragic, so horrible, so unfortunate.
My heart goes out to all of the families and friends of the killed and injured victims.
leader #112.6.10 - 9:32 am