LAPD bashing STFU
Thread started by
Roadblock at 11.30.10 - 2:16 pm
Hey all, it's one thing for people to disagree with the LAPD and disagree aggressively while you're at it. But it's another thing to call them names, "pigs" disrespectful especially to those officers who are there providing us with help and service. You have to realize that way more people come here to read and find out about MR than post on this site and sitting behind a keyboard writing disrespectful shit talking in general not just to the cops makes this whole community look like selfish bratty dicks.
Since the beginning Midnight Ridazz was NEVER about disrespecting the cops. The message was always clearly stated on this website from the beginning.
Maybe you do have a problem with the cops and maybe they are heavy handed at times even committing civil rights violations. But the fact is that WE NEED THE POLICE to protect us and help those of us who are victims of crimes on the streets. The fact is that guys like Krumer and Villegas and Helper are doing things to help us and all the bashing and disrespect makes us look like the selfish dicks that the motoring public tends to generalize us as. Don't shoot yourselves or each other in the foot by insulting those that are here to help.
Recognize that there are good and bad elements in the LAPD just like there are good and bad elements riding bikes in the streets. I'm personally asking y'all to show respect for this community and for the cops.
That doesn't mean we can disagree with LAPD tactics or treatment but it does mean we should be showing respect for our city and if you have a beef show respect to yourself and take the high road. Otherwise you make yourself and the Ridazz comunity look like a bunch of dickheads.
Those 3 (I expect more) which are being paid to work with us(rightfully so). They have been doing a great job(effortwise), but their coworkers fuck it up for them.
Just as they hold us accountable for others on our own rides, they need to be held accountable for their coworkers as well.
revolution11.30.10 - 2:30 pm
Agreed. I treat the police as i would anyone else. Give me respect and I will do the same back. Most of us have been hassled by a cop for basically no reason at all. I have also been helped by cops sometimes. This is the base of the argument, to not judge the individual for the group he hangs with.........good cops/bad cops......responsible ridazz/irresponsible only takes one dumbass rida to fuck shit up for a group ride, and it only takes one rogue cop to fuck shit up even worse................
shotgun_mike11.30.10 - 2:41 pm
Fine, I'm not saying you can't disagree. But have some respect for yourself and this community and quit the name calling and insults it only confirms the suspicions that we're a bunch of bratty lawless dickheads to the outside world and it discourages new would be respectful riders from joining the party.
Anytime someone resorts to name calling THEY LOSE.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by revolution
11.30.10 - 3:26 pm
I totally disagree. They don't have to resort to name calling, which is nothing any way. They can immediately beat down, arrest and jail you - and not have to say a word. We're not playing by the same rules. You think a simple name will change their view when they're already gunning for you? Face to face, it's one thing. Expressing a view with insults is also another. But telling us how to react, and what words we can use? That is LAME.
Fuck the police, they deserve the names they get, because honestly, that's the only weapon we have left, our voice.
So, no.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.30.10 - 3:46 pm
My point is that the cops can handle you calling them names. They don't give a damn its the general public opinion of us that suffers.
Ghandi didn't sit there and call people names. Being civil in the face of opression is going to win over the hearts and minds of people who would dismiss you as being unreasonable. Standard shit.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
11.30.10 - 4:18 pm
i wonder how many cops know why they are called pigs
asparagus11.30.10 - 4:30 pm
From Seven Stories Press, Davis's Publisher for this book:
With her characteristic brilliance, grace and radical audacity, Angela Y. Davis has put the case for the latest abolition movement in American life: the abolition of the prison. As she quite correctly notes, American life is replete with abolition movements, and when they were engaged in these struggles, their chances of success seemed almost unthinkable. For generations of Americans, the abolition of slavery was sheerest illusion. Similarly,the entrenched system of racial segregation seemed to last forever, and generations lived in the midst of the practice, with few predicting its passage from custom. The brutal, exploitative (dare one say lucrative?) convict-lease system that succeeded formal slavery reaped millions to southern jurisdictions (and untold miseries for tens of thousands of men, and women). Few predicted its passing from the American penal landscape. Davis expertly argues how social movements transformed these social, political and cultural institutions, and made such practices untenable.
In Are Prisons Obsolete?, Professor Davis seeks to illustrate that the time for the prison is approaching an end. She argues forthrightly for "decarceration", and argues for the transformation of the society as a whole.
mikeywally11.30.10 - 5:20 pm
In light of the CCPOA scandals, I have to check this out.
Long, drawn-out prison sentences, death penalties where the method is "old age", and mega-salaries for babysitting drug-offenders are one of the big reasons why tax revenue is always non-existent for other purposes.
I guess not getting into that shit line of work turned out to be a blessing after all.
As for prevention of crimes in general, we could either have a proper police force and tight weapons control, or total anarchy where the weak are pounced and trounced upon without provocation.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mikeywally
11.30.10 - 8:30 pm
Roadblock, I know that you're the face of Midnight Ridazz and have to pretend to like the LAPD more than you really do, but that's you. Let the people who are not compromised by their position or their political ambitions express their opinions freely. If you disagree with those opinions, rebut them. Telling people to STFU does not constitute a rebuttal.
As for "disrespect": respect is something earned. When Krumer and the LAPD start behaving in a manner more deserving of respect, you will see them getting respect--even grudging respect from the people currently inclined to call them names--without your having to demand it on their behalf.
PC11.30.10 - 11:32 pm
where did I tell people they can express their opinions? disagree, criticize, file complaints (I've filed two against the LAPD so far)... I'm just saying that the name calling and insults are counterproductive on so many levels... dont you agree?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
12.1.10 - 2:49 pm
I agree, the name calling is counterproductive.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Roadblock
12.1.10 - 2:53 pm
I hear you, but they don't. What can you do?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
12.1.10 - 2:54 pm
I agree with that statement, but I don't agree that that was your point of this thread.
STFU must mean Sit Tight Fuzzy Unicorn.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by Roadblock
12.1.10 - 2:55 pm
this thread needs more flash
_iJunes responding to a
comment by R@WKIT
12.24.10 - 12:31 am