July needs YOUR help

Thread started by
July at 01.15.10 - 11:46 am
Does anyone have a monthly metro pass I can borrow to take to court to avoid this ridiculously expensive metro "fare evasion" ticket? I'll pay for a day pass for you. I just need it for one day sometime next week or in two. Anyone care to help me out?
i dont have a monthly but i have a bunch of dailies.
maybe i have the date ur looking for.
what date was it?
KiMS101.15.10 - 12:03 pm
will that Tap thing help? I was gonna get one this weekend. I get paid soon...
sinaphile01.15.10 - 12:13 pm
because im lazy and a bit of a pack rat.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.15.10 - 12:29 pm
I don't think TAP will work in this situation. It is traceable. I think he needs a paper pass.
TAP = Big Brother
Foldie responding to a
comment by sinaphile
01.15.10 - 12:36 pm
The only person I know that has a monthly pass is deaf ... if you want to rock a hearing aid to court ..... I can make it happen ...
OsnapsonJC01.15.10 - 1:35 pm
How ridiculously expensive is it? Like... more than $1.25?
canadienne01.15.10 - 2:07 pm
...sorry, that was bitchy. I just get really pissed when people take advantage of the (stupid) honor system the metro has. Maybe if people paid for their tickets, they'd be able to afford to run the trains past midnight. Ya know?
canadienne01.15.10 - 2:10 pm
I have one and might be able to help you out. what date is your court?
buckchin01.15.10 - 2:15 pm
The date is either Feb or March the 12th but I can go into court anytime before then. The reason I didn't have the $1.25 is because I left the house with just enough money to cover me for the ride and little expenditures. I've noticed if I take $40 I'll spend all $40 so I've been trying out this new system where I just take approx. $20. Didn't have enough for the ride back home.
@ Buckchin: If I could borrow it some time in a week or two that'd be awesome. I'm pretty sure I might not even have to see a judge for this.
@ Canadienne: Next time I'm just going to ride home from wherever I'm at. I gotta get my rider legs back in seeing how I wasn't medically cleared to ride for the past month and a half.
Thanks for the feedback.
July responding to a
comment by buckchin
01.15.10 - 2:51 pm
Sometimes life happens and it sucks. I usually just keep a bunch of quarters in my bag just for a situation like this. Never know when you may need to take the train or bus home.
hope things work out for ya.
Foldie responding to a
comment by July
01.15.10 - 2:56 pm
damn i got a ticket last night
Xray01.15.10 - 2:58 pm
I'm always hiding money on my person and in my personal belongings but I couldn't find anything. I also remembered I had just taken my backpack to the nearby laundromat this past weekend to get some of the streets off. I must've emptied all the coins out. Thanks tho.
July responding to a
comment by Foldie
01.15.10 - 3:04 pm
Were you on the red line? I hardly ever see cops on there. how much for the ticket just for my information. Just so you know i live in pasadena so you would have to make it out here to pick it up and drop it off.
buckchin responding to a
comment by July
01.15.10 - 3:33 pm
WHAT? I see cops all the time on the redline .... NOHO station is like cop central ... 7th st metro also ... I see the same 6 cops everyday ... They always wave and ask me about my Beretta shooting bag ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by buckchin
01.15.10 - 3:49 pm
I never take it into north hollywood. Always just between downtown and hollywood. Just seems like there are not many compared to the gold line.
buckchin responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
01.15.10 - 4:00 pm
Next time just roll with me. Remember I have internal metro cop radar, hehe.
imachynna01.15.10 - 4:58 pm
Ok. Pasadena wouldn't be a problem. Do you have email as it'd be easier to just email you when it'd be convenient to both of us to go and pick it up.
Here's mine:
july_cardoza at yahoo daut com
July responding to a
comment by buckchin
01.15.10 - 6:29 pm