R.I.P. Chasterus

Thread started by
gado_gado at 05.11.11 - 4:09 pm

If any of you remember Charlie Russell of East Jesus (at Slab City, from previous Ridazz trips.) He passed away yesterday from natural causes.
He wasn't a Rida per say, but he did like us, and supported us whenever we camped out there at Salton Sea and when we visited his strange place.
I remember quite a few of you got an opportunity to see his strange art and hang out at his location. Just passing the info on.
I was hesitant to post this to a public forum before we knew that there were people protecting his place from scavengers. I was out that way and spoke with him Friday morning; he was complaining of being hit with back spasms the previous evening.
Here's the email from his sister, I believe she wrote it yesterday:
Dear Ones,
my brother Chasterus is no longer with us. His body was found this morning by his friend Steve, still sitting in the chair where Steve had left him the afternoon before. The deputy from the coroner's office says that it looks like natural causes, cause unknown. There was no sign of a struggle, or any foul play. Nothing seemed to be amiss on the compound. Autopsy will be completed by Friday 5/20; toxicology screening will take 90 days. Charlie had complained of back pain, and had been to the local clinic the day before, and had been given ibuprofen.
Condolences go out especially to my mother, Kitsy Winthrop (revkitsy@hotmail.com) and to the Art Car community. My brother was 46 years old.
in sadness for loss, and joy for life,
bobdotorg05.11.11 - 4:46 pm