I want to give you my stuff!
Thread started by
vspangle at 04.13.11 - 9:07 pm
Okay, people, this may be getting annoying. No, I don't want MR to be a site for selling stuff. But, I do want to give some things away to cool folks who are probably poor like myself but resourceful and creative with them.
Nikon N65 SLR (film) camera, with telephoto lens: $50
Ikea Twin foam mattress (barely used, I promise it's awesome): $20
Ozark Trail 2-3 man dome tent (one pole may eventually need replaced, or taped ;): $10
Come and get 'em at the bike district this week! Email me! michele appel at gmail dot com
I wanted that camera too, specifically for proof-positive evidence collecting on my amateur ghost-hunting investigations at past-crime scenes.
Everyone else here will probably utilize it in some hipsterish, art-gallery dick-waving contest, but more power to them.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by palucha66
04.14.11 - 6:20 pm