Brazilian Critical Massacre
Thread started by
maddox at 02.27.11 - 12:07 pm
I didn't see a thread about this yet. Video was just posted today.
Here it is with English subtitles:
maddox02.27.11 - 12:08 pm
I don't know how to embed videos here, please watch and spread. This is important.
maddox02.27.11 - 12:09 pm
"Some brazilian media still says that the fact was "an accident". The police officer says that the cyclists were the responsible for what happened. The police is just waiting for the driver to show himself..."
I have to say it - Fuck the police.
I hope no one was killed. That looked brutal. No one should get away with doing that.
The cycling world needs to respond.
on a lighter note, Ridazz really need to make a Brazil trip... Lordy!
Joe Borfo02.27.11 - 12:33 pm
Holy Shit!!- That had to be pure intentional on the driver or the dude was texting or some shit because that was full on acceleration- and just stayed in the throttle trough the whole crowd- I hope he is found and faces charges.
ghostcat7702.27.11 - 2:01 pm
All the blinking red lights made him have a siezure.
revolution02.27.11 - 3:08 pm
fuck. just seeing this fuck. these bikers are us.. we are them.. damn cant say no more...feeling this real deep.. Borfo good call. UNITE WE MUST
adrenalink02.27.11 - 3:35 pm
i saw this shit last week..I didnt want to post it
Huey55502.27.11 - 5:17 pm
If the public finds the person first they should beat the shit out of him/her then turn that person in. This person will not be penalized harshly if the police get them.
mechazawa02.27.11 - 6:00 pm
its not often im honestly disturbed by something.
ive seen the daniel pearl video. ive seen numerous al qaeda murder videos. seen 911 jumpers. but none of that really hit home & i couldnt relate to it. yes, it was sick. but this truly struck a note with me.
having been hit by a car and knowing the trauma that stems from it.. its difficult to put into words... i got chills and felt pure rage.
they need to hang this guy with piano wire.
tchap02.27.11 - 7:19 pm
This is horrifying. My love and condolences go out to CM cyclists in Brazil. I really hope that this is not treated lightly by law enforcement and the justice system. This is really just unimaginable and horrifying. What a monster.
kryxtanicole02.28.11 - 11:07 am
The driver claimed self defense (through his lawyer, of course).
Read it here:
dudeonabike02.28.11 - 1:25 pm
This is just sick. Even if we're to believe this "they were banging on his car and he got scared" bullshit (and this group of old ladies and little kids doesn't really look like the banging on cars type), when do any of us bang on cars? When they're trying to break into the bike pack from behind, ie., ALREADY BEHAVING IN AN AGGRESSIVE MANNER. Fuck this guy.
BellBeefer responding to a
comment by dudeonabike
02.28.11 - 1:42 pm
this is sick, i was watching it and my friends asked if i were watching faces of death.
what kind of monster does that
dudebra42002.28.11 - 1:51 pm
Hum ?
This smells of a conspiracy ?
The Brazilian critical mass does not appear to have the volume of riders that
our U.S. rides have.
Therfore would it be out of the question to assume that the driver of the car
was in fact a Police officer ?
What better way is there to scare people off from participating than to have a
maniac in a car mow down cyclist on video ?
With the lack of pro active police work given to this I'd say there suspect.
We know they posted the identity of the owner of the car, but who was driving ?
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 3:10 pm
Conspiracy theories are lame. But you can't help yourself, I know.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.28.11 - 3:13 pm
the driver's name is
Ricardo José Neis age 47
Roadblock02.28.11 - 6:52 pm
email the motherfucker in portugese.
Roadblock02.28.11 - 7:09 pm
Pretty much from my fathers translation hes basically saying he felt menaced by the cyclists. Talk about being a little bitch.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
02.28.11 - 8:02 pm
well.... that is a very real fear for people... I've seen situations where a crowd - personally witnessed this at the new years eve rose parade route - of people start pounding on a car and rocking it... that's pretty fuckin scary and dude ended up siting in a car with smashed windows, hood and roof - dude didnt launch his car through the crowd, but I remember thinking shit if that was me in there I would just drive the fuck outta there. or for example a laker parade... etc... what would you do if your car was surrounded by a rowdy mob?
I dont think that was the case here, but that kind of argument for what he did resonates with drivers who have had CM beating on their hood.
obviously in the video the ride looks really peaceful and small and there are lots of girls people of all ages and no one is being rowdy in the footage.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
02.28.11 - 8:10 pm
There, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of an idiot-behind-the-wheel.
^olsko*jr702.28.11 - 8:18 pm
I was reading somewhere, the guy did feel threatened by the banging on his car, but still come on man. Did you have to really go bowling with your car at X amount of speed?
^olsko*jr702.28.11 - 8:21 pm
i think this shows how different things are in other parts of the world where things like this can happen. how many times have we encountered road ragers out there on group rides or by ourselves? in other parts of the world, people have less rights than americans do. shit like this can happen and people get away with murder. Remember, brasil is the kidnapping mecca of the world. Shit gets crazy out there. To me, I am reminded of how fragile cyclists are out on the road, and how cars can be dangerous weapons. Ride Safe everyone
Sneek02.28.11 - 8:21 pm
even so, the fucker could have stopped his car and let the bikes pass. it's bullshit power display. the guy should be drawn and quartered.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
02.28.11 - 9:13 pm
In NO WAY am I defending what this guy did. I would stomp this guy's skull into a curb and never stop.
BUT what I'm saying is that in a jury trial, there will be people who sympathize and could be persuaded to think that he did panic... everyone has seen footage of angry mobs at laker riots and so forth... a lot of people bear that same visual of CM (justified or not)
fortunately the video shows a really peaceful ride... I hope this guy gets justice. and if not I hope he flees to Los Angeles.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 9:53 pm
The guy's car has his windows bashed in from him hitting cyclists... the side windows and rear of his car are fine.
AestheticMynd responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.1.11 - 12:40 am
I forgot where I saw pictures of his abandoned car though...
AestheticMynd03.1.11 - 12:44 am
there is no doubt in MY mind that the guy was NOT getting threatened. I think he blew his top and wanted to "teach them a lesson" much like Dr. Thompson did in mandeville canyon.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
03.1.11 - 1:09 am
Yeah that's about it, just a rager cager...
alicestrong responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.1.11 - 7:50 am
When I attended the 40 years of BMX ride in Long beach last year.
The meeting point was at a popular mall. Before the start as riders filled the
parking lot, a young regular family man type was asking a security gaurd to
escort him out of there. He was in total fear of the rowdy BMXers.
As he stated this looks like a pretty rough crowd I'm afraid to drive through them.
It's all in your perspective.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.1.11 - 8:02 am
He's in his car. All he had to do was drive away and never look back...
alicestrong responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
03.1.11 - 8:12 am
so what i want to know is what does this mean for us? because it is mainstream media, and the big buzzword on the air is "critical mass," are there going to be any ramifications for us? maybe a bigger spotlight. with gas prices going up past $4, hopefully we won't be scapegoated.
Sneek03.1.11 - 9:13 am
Not much. Fortunately most people in the world are not selfentitled rich bankers with short fuses who can afford to destroy their car and two lawyers... But.... Then again there is the doctor Thompson incident.
Speaking of Dr. Thompson, he was up for a review. What's he up to? Is his sentence being shortened?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Sneek
03.1.11 - 9:36 am
Honestly, we gotta move from the perspective that we're the party to be screwed with.
The question to be asked is: what does this mean for them?
The elephant in the room is not: this could happen to us (cyclists) or the like. Rather it is: this is exactly why cars are dangerous, and why giving cars so much access to inflict harm is wrong.
You get the sense that some original developers are whispering in their grave: "I told this could happen, but nooooo, you thought freeways and concrete were so cool".
We should all go outside and yell: "Cars, maaannnn, WHHHYYY?"
markd responding to a
comment by Sneek
03.1.11 - 10:34 am
a Car is a "tool" to whom wields it to it's function may or may not be a good thing.
AestheticMynd responding to a
comment by markd
03.1.11 - 11:16 pm
Maybe he was drunk or maybe he's just a crazy cranky old guy who got pissed off because he was going to be late for ?
Either way, this joker needs a psych evaluation because you either have to be A. Really fucking crazy or B. Really high or drunk to do the shit he did.
Sane people don't react to someone banging on your car by hittin the gas and plowing down everything in sight like it's a video game.
Please don't give this loon defensible scenarios because this guy, scared or not, used his car to commit an unspeakable act.
ridetime03.2.11 - 2:12 am
brazilian machismo road rage
Sneek03.2.11 - 8:32 am
I read a YouTube comment where someone was saying "what if he had a medical emergency and was trying to save someone's life?" What bothers me about this is that even if that were the case, he jeopardized dozens of more lives just to supposedly save 1. Now we know that he wasn't having a medical emergency and wasn't trying to save anyone's life--except perhaps his own. He's going to try to make the case that he felt threatened and that his attack--and it was an attack--was justified.
There's no justification for this because even if someone banged on his car, he could have simply stopped and let the riders pass without driving through the crowd. Or possibly even confronted the rider who was doing it to him. There are any number of ways to deal with it than what he did. What if it was a parade and someone tapped on his car? What then? Panic and plow through hundreds of people? The people he plowed through in the video were peaceful. He's got a tough case against him, but the fact that some people would flock to his defense, and to the defense of Dr. Thompson is disturbing and speaks to a greater PR image that critical mass rides have.
What's the perception you guys feel that others have of CM rides? I've encountered everything from support to outright hostility. People who drive exclusively view cyclists as a burden, and hate CM rides. Are we winning or losing the public image perception? How will this video sway public opinion one way the other?
maddox03.2.11 - 12:39 pm
Mentality - "If you ride a bike, you're expendable."
Some people really want to wipe us off the streets like insects.
Joe Borfo03.2.11 - 2:20 pm
Really, really sick shit is he had his son in the car with him...
alicestrong03.2.11 - 4:22 pm
Wish I understood Portuguese. There's an interview of the driver with some reporter for a piece that aired a couple weeks ago in the link below:
click here
DJwheels05.3.11 - 11:00 am
I believe that interview is the same as the one translated (professionally) into English here:
Scariest quote: "I ask myself often: Did I evaluate the situation correctly at the time? I really think so."
Rach Stevo responding to a
comment by DJwheels
05.3.11 - 12:55 pm
Thanks for finding that.
I can't believe he got away with this.
gado_gado responding to a
comment by Rach Stevo
05.3.11 - 3:00 pm