Bikes on Buses
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dudeonabike at 02.11.11 - 2:53 pm
Glad this story had a happy ending, but don't do what this dude did--put his bike on the bus's front-mounted rack, walked to the back of the bus, and chilled out.
Keep an eye on yo shit. Props to Mr. Bolivar.
I u-lock my rear tire to my frame if I'm rolling on the metro. Especially if I can't see it.
et02.11.11 - 4:45 pm
whoever commutes to work with a $2500 trek madone is a fucking idiot.
coldcut02.11.11 - 6:03 pm
I ride around with a 700 dollar hybrid.
I still keep my eye on it, and try to stay in the front at all times. Shit like that makes me worried about losing it like that, and I wonder what exactly I would do to stop the person.
surfinpikachu02.12.11 - 5:50 pm
I would hate to lose my "beater bike". Yeah, lock it up and stay near the front of the bus.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by surfinpikachu
02.12.11 - 6:30 pm
I smell hater...... some people just wanna ride there favroite bike everyday. Don't mean cuz its expensive you gotta keep it in storage to rot
Debut213 responding to a
comment by coldcut
02.12.11 - 6:53 pm
agreed.... he lives in rancho palos verdes so he probably the money to replace it if it got fucked up or stolen anyway....
i usually Ulock my wheel the bike rack itself but sometimes in the middle of the process (it takes me like ten seconds) the driver honks at me. i always give them a shitstorm for that.
i personally believe metro fucked up, most other cities that i have been to, the buses have 3 bikes racks instead of two. prime examples are santa clarita and santa cruz. the triple racks i'm sure cant be that much more expensive.... it just sucks when i have an out-of-town friend that i want to show LA on a bike, and we need to take the bus bus must wait endlessly for the lucky instance that there wont be any bike on the bus already. I've waited on sunset blvd for the bus to PCH for two hours with my cousin before a driver finally let me bring my bike on the bus (there was only one spot open on the rack)
it also pisses me off how some drivers wont let people bring bikes on the bus if the rack is full. I've been on a completely empty bus, i mean EMPTY but me and a friend and our bikes on the rack, the drivers pulls up to a stop and the guy at the stop has a bike, he asks to bring it on and she says "you cant do that honey" and drives off. I've seen drivers let a bike on the bus countless times so this is also pretty fucked, to make someone wait like that for no reason...
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by Debut213
02.13.11 - 11:51 am
that's like driving a lamborghini in LA traffic.
coldcut responding to a
comment by Debut213
02.13.11 - 7:04 pm