Inglewood Riders

Thread started by
MidnightGhostrider at 02.4.11 - 12:03 pm
I am looking for a group or anyone that lives near inglewood.So Ican create a groupride or so we can roll out to rides together and come back together.I dont live exactly in inglewood but I am near it..So anyone who wants to ride reply in this
I saw two groups of kids earlier today on el segundo bl in Hawthorne, so there are riders in the south bay.
I just don't think they are aware of
Google Hawthorne riders or search Facebook, they have to be somewhere online so that you can find them.
ericduville02.4.11 - 6:56 pm
Check out the Major Motion cycling club.
They have put on some good races around Inglewood.
Dedicated81802.4.11 - 7:38 pm
You should title this thread, "ATTENTION CASA DE ANGELOPES"
Coe coe buttaa02.4.11 - 9:32 pm
I'm 2 blocks south of Hawthorne High. down to ride.
monovsstereo02.5.11 - 12:41 pm
i live in ladera heights which is in the middle of westchester, inglewood or culver.
tchap02.5.11 - 7:57 pm
check out:
light_fixture02.6.11 - 3:18 pm
Dude, you can't shit without facebook?
You are already at the right place.
Post your ride here ---------------------------------------------------------------->
marino responding to a
comment by MidnightGhostrider
02.6.11 - 6:05 pm
tchap responding to a
comment by MidnightGhostrider
02.6.11 - 6:23 pm
Yeah, there's a big group of us ridazz (read as bike house) called Casa de Angelopes in the very northeastern corner of Inglewood.
We not only live there, there's a bunch of rides and stuff we have been doing in the area.
If you wanna come over and hang out, you need a phone number of someone who lives here (we have a gate out front we cannot leave open, we live in a complex).
find me on facebook (Tom Blanchard) or send me an email at tomrblanchard at gmail dot com if you wanna hang out.
FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by tchap
02.8.11 - 5:10 am
I ride through inglewood almost everday and I have only seen 4 riders 2 ispoke to and the other 2 i rarely see them
MidnightGhostrider responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
02.8.11 - 8:06 am
We're in the very northeastern corner of the city, looking out our front door looks into LA, the other end of the block one one side is LA, we're only barely in Inglewood. We're here, and we're usually on freak bikes.
FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by MidnightGhostrider
02.9.11 - 1:35 am
Have you guys ever sold any bikes or fixed them because like last yr I would see like a random bike shop or I thought it was a bike open but on weekends.Do you live close to the post office?
MidnightGhostrider responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
02.9.11 - 8:31 am
I keep my man cave in Gardena and ride from there sometimes. I'm up for riding out of Inglewood.
indigis02.9.11 - 1:03 pm
You guys that want to ride from inglewood.Do you want to ride out ot the mobile jam on friday
MidnightGhostrider02.9.11 - 1:15 pm
Slowrighthand the jam starts at 6 and your stuff starts at 10 I think I can make it to both
MidnightGhostrider02.9.11 - 6:36 pm
inglewood riders to mobile jam or willy wonka?..i dont think it would be enough time to do both
MidnightGhostrider02.10.11 - 3:13 pm
I might be jammin to the mobile jam if I can get away from school in time.
Velocipede responding to a
comment by MidnightGhostrider
02.10.11 - 10:00 pm