BIKE TALK w/KittyKat & CoolAssMike

Thread started by
katnip at 01.14.11 - 1:33 pm

CoolAssMike & i will be talking about BIKE TALK with BIKE TALK around BIKE TALK between BIKE TALK sooooo get yo prepositional phrases straight & check us out today 5pm @ OR... cum on down to Cynergy Cycles and play with us live!
AND...if today is not so good fer you - its ok! We will be there/here EVERY MONDAY & FRIDAY @ 5pm!
their show is amazing, our show is amazing, and talking about bikes IS AMAZING sooooo why can we not all share and just get along!?
katnip01.15.11 - 1:26 pm
tune in today and every MONDAY & FRIDAY from here on out @ 6pm.
katnip01.17.11 - 2:45 pm
check us out on ustream today or just cum on down to cynergy! loads of goodies & gossip to be had!
katnip01.21.11 - 3:32 pm
Nick and the other people that work with him on Bike Talk are really mellow, and I don't think they mind 1 bit that your show might be called "Bike Talk".
But think about it. It does make for a fair amount of confusion.
If your show is newer than theirs you might consider changing the name so people don't get confused. Don't you want people to recognize your excellent work as being unique and distinct from others who are engaging in similar ventures?
There is limitless options ...
Bikey Talky
Bicycle Conversations
Cycle Chat
Velo Exchange
Riders Roundtable
Words and Wheels
Roll Call
Sharrow Your Thoughts
Life's a Bici
Free Wheelin'
etc etc ...
trickmilla01.22.11 - 1:28 pm
i love love love love love yer creativity trickmilla! And thank you fer the suggestions! We should have had you @ our WEEK LONG - NAME THE SHOW - EXTRAVAGANZA! Fer now... We have settled on Bike TalkSSSSSSSS, which clearly sets us apart BY A WHOLE LETTER ~ thank you very much! And hope that YOU and EVERYONE else will tune in TODAY(tuesday) @ 6pm fer a copyKAT (hehehehe) and a coolASS!
katnip responding to a
comment by trickmilla
01.25.11 - 11:00 am
I'll be on the road, but you should post an archive here!
trickmilla responding to a
comment by katnip
01.26.11 - 1:03 pm
Today is friday, february 28th 2011 & you all should make time for BOX! Stephen will be calling in @ 630pm to fill us in on city council elections & where he stands in the race!
katnip01.28.11 - 5:23 pm
You know there is a Bike Talk on already?
"sassy and unoriginal" remark.....
did YOU know there is McDonald's, Jack In the Box, Burger King, Wendy's etc..... what's my point?
oh yeah, they all sell burgers...... dip wad...
WindNature responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
01.28.11 - 7:01 pm
Talk about sassy and unoriginal, how about creating a original show with an original name. This fixie generation is used to stealing music, movies and creativity and originality is dead....
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by WindNature
01.28.11 - 7:58 pm
check out my new band!
lackflag01.28.11 - 9:16 pm
how are you so original and creative?
italtk responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
01.28.11 - 11:47 pm
everything has been done.
originality is not important.
clarity, however, in this case, is pretty important.
we all want this show to succeed.
it's just stupid to have two different shows, on practically the same topic, with practically the same name.
it's seriously not too late to come up with something new. hardly anyone will care. plus, there won't be anymore awkward discussions about which show you are.
lackflag responding to a
comment by italtk
01.29.11 - 2:46 am
YAY! love to hear so many differing opinions! please tune in this tuesday @ 5pm fer a discussion on Bike Licensure & whether it would help or hurt our steadily growing society!
katnip01.30.11 - 7:59 pm
if you can handle our name... we will be live @ Cynergy Cycles today (Tuesday) 5-7pm! Feel free to come on down or IM yer way into our conversation on bicycle licensure and whether it would help or hurt the cycling community and the WORLD :)
katnip02.1.11 - 3:35 pm
kat, i can hear you talk when i read your posts and it makes me lul.
tchap02.4.11 - 10:17 am
BUT...can you SEE me typing when I talk!!!!!!? ;) AND... thank you fer even noticing! TODAY TODAY TODAY TODAY - is extra speciale BECAUSE - we will have NATE CLUKEY in the hizouse! Cars vs. Bicycles - which do YOU think will win & what in the bitter, cold/hot end does winning REALLY mean!? tune in @ 5pm to find out!
katnip responding to a
comment by tchap
02.4.11 - 2:23 pm
chugga chugga chuga choo choo to you too! Today (Tuesday, February 8th) we air from the hospital where Daryl Muldrow (purple bike purple shoes combo) is chill'n after his run in with a...TRAIN! Tune in to see who won the battle of BIKE vs. TRAIN @ 5pm.
katnip02.8.11 - 2:42 pm
bike talk or bike talkS?
try my podcast
RAZOR APPLE RADIO w/ shotgun mike
shotgun_mike02.8.11 - 2:57 pm
chugga chugga cho choomorrow we take our coolasses to a warmer state for the rest of winter! and no i do not mean Hawaii... lets have a trying on sesh @ Cynergy to find out what looks good and does the job on these COLD WINTER NIGHHHHHTS (grease soundtrack in background)!
katnip02.10.11 - 7:07 pm
I open this this thread and it auto plays a commercial for a 1.5 ton ford f150 truck ... so much for targeted advertising
trickmilla responding to a
comment by coolassmike
02.11.11 - 7:56 pm
THAT I have no control over YET!!! Soon
coolassmike responding to a
comment by trickmilla
02.12.11 - 11:43 am
stay dry and warm the rest of this winter by tuning in @ 5pm to bike talkSSSSS =!!!!
katnip02.15.11 - 4:09 pm
hey, check out MY new band
paulywalnuts02.17.11 - 12:45 am