@krumer..bike registration
Thread started by
shotgun_mike at 11.1.10 - 8:41 pm
Hey sgt krumer, whats up with the "bike registration" laws? Hopefully you have read the LA times article about what happened in Long Beach. Can you let us if we need a bike license or no? Can local govts enforce this? Whats the cost and where do we get it done at?
If you live in the City of LA, you do not need a bike license to ride anywhere in California. LA's bike license law was repealed in 2009.
Local governments can require that *their* residents register their bicycles. They cannot require that residents of other places do so--see my post in the LBCM thread.
As for "where do we get it done," well, as I said if you live in LA you don't get it done. And even when this archaic law was on the books here, hardly anybody really did it. Supposedly, you registered your bike at the bike shop if you bought it new, and at a police or fire station otherwise. If you actually tried this, they would generally look at you like you were from Neptune, but that's how it was supposed to work.
PC11.1.10 - 8:56 pm
yeah PC, i read your post, thats what got me interested. Im just looking at not getting fukd with by the cops any more than usual. thx for the info though.
shotgun_mike responding to a
comment by PC
11.1.10 - 8:59 pm
PC is right...in Los Angeles you do not need a bike license. Long Beach may have a local ordinance requiring it of their residence but I do not believe that their ordinance allows for siezure of cycles....they must be relying on some other provision of law.
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by shotgun_mike
11.1.10 - 9:12 pm
The way it worked in the past was,
Bicycle dealers were required to sell a licence with all new bike sales.
The bike shop had to purchase licences in advance from the police dept.
Then as they sold the them they could recover the cost. As time went on
the dealers had issues such as, licences unavailable from local stations or
paper work involved. So many dealers said f%*k it and did not comply and
enforcement became lax. When I was a kid we got them at school.
In the future we may have some type of rfid chip/ NWO tracking device required.
Dedicated81811.1.10 - 10:23 pm
at the University of Southern California, bicycles must have registration in order to be allowed on campus. not sure how much of this is enforced. but the stickers were the same ones that the state of CA used to use, and registration was $3. maybe USC got a fat discount when the state of CA repealed that bike registration law. i registered 2 of my bikes that i commute with just in case.
tfunk40811.2.10 - 2:51 am