I never thought it would happened to me but...

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Glue:. at 10.9.09 - 8:52 am
Last night I was stopped for riding w/ out a lights. Let me state that I do have lights but we were just heading down to the gas station to put some air on my friends tires so as soon as we left the gas station not 20ft away we were stopped by the LAPD. The ofcrs were real nice unlike some other encounters Ive had. So I was citied for not having a headlamp in hours of darkness. Its just stating that I need to show up to court late november. So any advice on how to handle this, besides I should always have my lights on me? thanks
does anyone know if this can be paid or is a court date really necessary?
adrian10.9.09 - 9:44 am
It should be a fix it ticket. Take your bike down to a Highway Patrol station and show them you have a light. Then ask them to sign off on it and remove it from the system.
skd10.9.09 - 9:50 am
Well it just says I need to show up court late november thats about it. The ofcr didnt say anything about a fix it ticket. Maybe when I show up to court they might let me know about what I need to do. From what Ive heard having no lights is a pretty expensive ticket
Glue:.10.10.09 - 1:42 am
ya it should just be a fix it ticket. I got one around 4 months ago and i took it to the highway patrol station in dtla but still had to pay the fine of $26.
Dean453710.10.09 - 5:39 am
yeah I heard its just a fix it ticket and that I would pay less than 30 if I fixed it but if I failed to do it by a certain day I would have to pay 200+ or something like that. Thanks for the info
Glue:.10.10.09 - 1:07 pm