Cyclists at occupyLA!

Thread started by
Roadblock at 10.4.11 - 2:05 am

Slowly but surely cyclists are making their present felt at OccupyLA. Seeing lots of familiar faces. MikeyWally, CoeCoe, Rambod, DonniePepper Catbear, BethWillow
Bike Repair Station
come out and camp out. we are offering bike repair to the occupiers as well as sharing solidarity because bike riders are the solution to the disease. we are building the camp up everyday until CicLAvia! The big night is this Saturday night after Tour De Fat.
Bike share program
The plan this week is to offer bike share to OccupyLA. Do you have a working bike that you can give away? No worries if it's a crappy bike, we just need working bikes so that people can take them into town for what nots. We will paint them with one color to identify them. Combo cable locks would be great.
come out and participate!
I've got a mountain bike already near you guys on Los Angeles/3rd Street... Men's mountain bike... pretty crappy, but it rides....
WindNature10.4.11 - 2:19 am
So awesome! Email me roadblock at midnightridazz dot calm
Rememer though. Expect these share bikes to be stolen. Please only bring bike you are ok with getting rid of.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by WindNature
10.4.11 - 2:25 am
ive left all my bike tools and stand at the protest since day 1 and it has been looked after and added to.
every tuesday night should be all ridazz camp out.
please come to this event and share your mind.
mikeywally10.4.11 - 5:43 am
I want to stress that this is not a "party" atmosphere. This is a protest and it's imperative that those of us who do show up, respect the nature of what this is. Show up and participate in the workshops and committees. There are democratic procedures to get your voice heard. Anyone can be heard it's great.
In the last decade,the United States spent 3-5 trillion dollars bombing broke people on the other side of the world for "cheap" gasoline. That money could have been spent on education, upgrading our infrastructure, providing healthcare... many of the grievances can be addressed by simply using a bicycle, walking or using public transit.
If every citizen in the USA were to re-think the way they travel - using their own two feet for trips of less than 3 or 4 miles, it could drastically change the landscape. 50% of trips by car are less than 4 miles in distance according to studies.
Lets help add the bicycle to the conversation!
Roadblock10.4.11 - 9:32 am
Hey whats the deal with amplified sound? Has the LAPD said anything about megaphones/speakers?
newarkhouse10.4.11 - 10:37 am
they have a PA system there for a public mike.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
10.4.11 - 10:49 am
Cool, whats up with a ride on Saturday? I see one impromtu ride scheduled. Post- tour-de-fat fun on the streets of downtown?
Wondering how many sound bikes we should bring :-)
newarkhouse10.4.11 - 11:18 am
If we can see it as an evolution not a revolution and see it as a peace rally not a protest the vibe and results may be more promising.
lebiram13 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.4.11 - 12:01 pm
how bout a ride from tour de fat to camp at OccupyLA?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
10.4.11 - 1:28 pm