Ktown Carwash needs your help.....

Thread started by
ridetime at 07.7.11 - 5:36 pm
As some of you may already know, Friday, July 8th and Saturday, July 9th a group of Ridazz will be showing off their car washing and bike washing skills. This Friday and Saturday will in my opinion be 2 of the most important days for providing driver's with a brief moment of cycling education.
Below I have written up a small synopsis of what I think every driver who get's behind the wheel of a car, should know and/or be aware of as well as some info about the incident involving the K-town Ridazz in Culver City
How can you help? It's unfinished, unpolished and needs focus. It needs to fit on a 4.5" x 5.5" sheet and it needs to be a quick read, grabbing the attention of the driver as he/she get's their car washed. Help us educate a driver so that we can ride our bikes safely.
Note: less is more so let's educate not berate.
Help us rewrite the following:
As a driver, did you know Bicycles are entitled to the lane per your California drivers handbook? page# and maybe an excerpt of some sort. On X date, a young women was driving down Jefferson and veered into the parking lane of a 3 lane street thereby crashing into a group of cyclist who had stopped to wait for others. The driver was Under the influence. We are here today in the hopes that the next time you see a cyclist riding in the lane, that you take a moment to understand ? fill in more here. Rewrite, etc...
For more info, please see the Fbook posting here:
Carwash Fundraiser for Ktown cyclists on Facebook
If you're not on Facebook, I commend you and you can find more info here:
Carwash Fundraiser for Ktown cyclists on Midnight Ridazz
I'll take a crack at working it up. Have a look at the below, and make whatever changes make it sing--and appeal to people. I would also (1) add a title, and (2) some stylish graphix to make it grab people's attention.
Did you know the DMV’s California Driver Handbook contains good information on driving near people on bikes?
On June 16th, a young women was driving fast and under the influence of alcohol on Jefferson Bl. She drove right into a large group of people who were out riding that night. Perhaps you saw it on the news. Many were injured--11 people were taken to the hospital with life-changing injuries. We are holding this fund-raiser today to help with their medial bills.
It benefits us all to remember that people on bikes are entitled to share the road with other drivers, and a person on a bike is legally allowed to ride in the center of a street lane–and sometimes its necessary to do that to stay safe on a two-wheel vehicle. (Page 36.) We all want to travel safely, and we can all work together to make that happen.
We are also here today in the hopes that the next time you see a person riding a bike on our streets, you take a moment to realize they, just like you, are just trying to get where they are going safely. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this message, and feel free to make a donation. It will be greatly appreciated.
dudeonabike07.8.11 - 11:31 am