Thread started by
Roadblock at 06.3.11 - 6:56 pm
Palucha... I made you this flyer.... Let's not use that Epic mealtime video... thanks :)
post discussion on the ride here!
Damn! Thats sick. Im still trying to make a route along with some bands. Expect this ride to become a lil bit Misfixed...
palucha6606.3.11 - 9:46 pm
last night's ride was whack. all the ladies at the start got dropped before we got to the first stop because we were going too fast and never regrouped. how you gonna leave the ladies like that yo?
vigilAnthony responding to a
comment by El_Fredone
06.11.11 - 11:38 am
that's what happens when the LAPD leads the ride.
coldcut responding to a
comment by vigilAnthony
06.11.11 - 1:25 pm
I didnt know 12 miles per hour was fast. If you want ladies go to a strip club.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by vigilAnthony
06.11.11 - 1:45 pm
I am not here to start a flamewar. I am posting here to point out what I notice on last night ride.
As the ride started going down the Ballona Creek Bike Path I am glad that my cousin canceled at the last minute. Just from the pace the group was going at any non rider would not be able to keep up. At the second stop at the roundabout I was talking to fellow veteran riders about tonight ride. One mention that we lost a good deal of riders before the first stop at the bridge and more then half by the second stop. I commented we are losing a lot of riders because of the pace of the ride. We were averaging 22 km/h ≈ 13.5 mph just going down the bike path. A guy commented that people are keeping up so it okay. The second Friday Midnight Ridazz ride is NOT fast ride therefore do not posted as a slow ride and do just the opposite. If you want to go fast then there is plenty of other rides that you can do on e.g. Wolfpack Hustle, TRFNAS, and Bicykillers to name a few.
Eddie the Lazor06.11.11 - 2:49 pm
I didn't know you were so afraid of the ladies. Nothing wrong with that. Now I know that next time you lead a ride you'll be running from them. I just think there would have been less an understanding if the ride was themed "Chick Repellent" as opposed to TMNT. Just sayin. Especially with all the complaints there have been that there isn't enough "poon" on the rides.
vigilAnthony responding to a
comment by palucha66
06.11.11 - 5:16 pm
WOW 13.5 mph... i have led Misfixed on my BMX and im sure we have gone faster than this.
AIDS6606.11.11 - 5:31 pm
the pace was a bit fast. i didnt mind it..
but it happens....
left a bit early cause i was way off course.
nevertheless...good shit palucha
godmode responding to a
comment by POOP DICK
06.11.11 - 7:10 pm
13.5 mph.....fuck im that fast? Damn this means I can easily do Wolfpack....
palucha6606.11.11 - 8:58 pm
Yes, 13.5 is too fast for some people.
As the second Friday ride has thinned out, you no longer have the gigantic mass slowing everything down. Instead, as a leader, there are typically people at the front trying to push you to go faster; you don't see the people at the back struggling to keep up.
When Nathan and I started our ride a couple of years ago, one of the our ideas was to be a medium-paced ride. That middle ground didn't really seems to be there at that time: most rides had gone to the extremes of fast or slow (there's nothing wrong with that; we just didn't want to crawl or hustle). But lately it feels like it is mostly medium- and fast-paced rides that are around, with very few truly slow, easy rides for beginners. It's a shame, because fewer beginner rides means fewer beginner riders.
That being said, I am like a lot of people around here: big, slow rides have lost their thrill for me, generally. It was a fun challenge organizing the second Friday ride a little while back, but I really have very little interest in going on them. A lot of people seem to share this feeling and thus there is somewhat of a leadership vacuum. It is really cool of Palucha to step up.
In the end, no ride is perfect for everyone. And each ride has its own successes and failures. There is no blueprint, only a continually updated sketch. Onward. Upward. Et cetera!
theroyalacademy06.11.11 - 9:39 pm
Anyone doing August or September's 2nd Friday ride? I might (don't pencil me just yet) be able and willing to do another one.
July06.11.11 - 9:46 pm
Yeah that is fast. And you really should be waiting for the ladies. No rida left behind...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
06.11.11 - 10:22 pm
Agreed and for sure, kudos to palucha for stepping up.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
06.11.11 - 10:25 pm
I regret stepping up. You should have done it.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.12.11 - 12:08 am
palucha, never show weakness.
godmode responding to a
comment by palucha66
06.12.11 - 1:41 am
On the bike path and straightaways the pace was 17mph+
Good thing I didn't bring any of my non rider friends or they would have hated me and never come out to another MR ride.
AirCooled06.12.11 - 8:56 am
I had no problem keeping up, but I know a lot of people that did. At times we pushed 17mph. Yeah, it sucks we lost a lot of females. Gotta remember no Ridazz left behind.
RockabillyWillie06.13.11 - 2:32 pm
c'mon man... have a little more heart than that... people will always criticize and sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
06.13.11 - 3:45 pm
and a lot of times they are both!
imachynna responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.15.11 - 11:50 am