Nearly hit today
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Girl Power at 06.1.11 - 6:55 pm
A white man is his late fifties, early sixties driving a four door white BMW nearly hit me today going down Lankiershiem Blvd traveling South just before Moorpark in Toluca Lake. He came up fast behind me,I looked back just in time to see him stop texting on his cell phone, see me and swerve out of the way.
I would have got his license however I don't know that it would do any good since I did not get hit.
Do they make those cameras with distance beeping for bikes that they have on SUVS and luxury cars? That way the rider can be alerted if a driver is approaching too fast and or too close, plus it will be a photo record of the car.
Glad you're okay. Doesn't hurt to get the license plate number because you can always put it on the bike map
Then at least if he hit someone else later on, there would be a record of previous dangerous driving.
champagne06.2.11 - 7:30 am