ROTW godmode

Thread started by
Ninja biker at 05.16.11 - 2:47 pm

I vote godmode as ROTW.
He leads Ktown ride each and every week.
That in itself is quite an achievement considering the crazy ass riders that attend it.
The ride has a bad rap but most of it is undeserved.
Just consider it an Advanced ride,surely not for beginners.
Every time I attend the ride manages to push me to my limit.
Each ride is different and you never really know where you will end up at but that's the great thing about it.
Ride on godmode!!!
You wanna add anything?
Who's godmode? Never heard of him :(
d-styles05.16.11 - 5:08 pm
Godmode leads one of my favorite rides and does it well. Always a pastiche person and just a all around legit guy in my book ... congrats.
OsnapsonJC05.16.11 - 5:37 pm
Who's godmode? Never heard of him :(
05.16.11 - 8:08 pm
Ride with us on Wednesday El Anson,I'll Introduce ya ;)
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by d-styles
05.16.11 - 6:39 pm
Oh shit that's the guy I blasted up the bike path with to Burbank yesterday! Thanks for not showing up @ the ride you organized Ninja!
d-styles05.16.11 - 7:00 pm
i agree with all things wonderful written about jesus!
katnip05.16.11 - 7:05 pm
thats the man that toutches me in my no no's
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by katnip
05.16.11 - 8:34 pm
It takes a special person to run the k-town ride, keep it cool, and do it with good attitude week after week after week. Most people would have quit after the first night ... haha.
Bog props for pushing a ahead and bringing so many different people together to ride bikes in LA.
godmode ROTW!
trickmilla05.16.11 - 9:47 pm
was it hard bringing the Playstation Network down ?
why Godmode ?
AIDS6605.16.11 - 9:55 pm
LOL.. I would never! The PSN was my home for many years...
godmode responding to a
comment by AIDS66
05.16.11 - 10:52 pm
fuck that guy! he hacked in my computer and stole the little PORN i had.
Huey55505.18.11 - 6:07 pm
Did you just admit to having "little porn"
WTF!, I don't even know what little porn is but it sounds like you might need some help/counseling or some shit
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Huey555
05.18.11 - 8:43 pm
Congrats godmode! This dude keeps it positive and even when trolls came on here dissing his ride he kept it positive and stuck with it and kushtown is one of the most dedicated rides. Wooot!
Roadblock05.18.11 - 11:09 pm
is that what you call them now?
godmode responding to a
comment by Huey555
05.19.11 - 12:09 pm
fuck this pussy!
Xray05.22.11 - 3:44 pm
I remember this guys first ride!!!! We met up in Ktown to ride to Crank Mob!!!
Do you remember that?
imachynna05.22.11 - 5:14 pm