It's cumming.

Thread started by
Roadblock at 01.21.11 - 2:15 pm
MR 2.0 is happening again.... I think.... hopefully..... maybe....
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yeah fap fap yeaaaAH faaap faaaaaap
zeepenguin01.22.11 - 3:14 am
dude. nothing could parallel the experience of the MR upgrade more than that night at BM.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.22.11 - 7:57 pm
this site is pretty sweet already, so i can't imagine what you have in store.
i must say, i'm a fan of minimalism and MR pleases my eyes.
coldcut01.22.11 - 11:16 pm
why did i think i left a comment here already.btw.
new site should have an option on letting people show how many times a person visited the site.
are you still sticking to the idea of having a slider from turtle to hustle?
will there be a better forum search tool for everything?
will there be sticky posts?
could it let people "like" things?
will MR 2.0 be?
could MR 2.0 open a rift in the time space continuum? if so has the ride already happened or is it happening?
mechazawa01.23.11 - 12:24 am
i meant to ask, will there be an improved way of searching on the site?
mechazawa01.23.11 - 1:01 am
That isn't the only thing that pleases your eyes.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by coldcut
01.23.11 - 1:40 am
Joe Borfo01.24.11 - 4:18 pm
I think I saw a light flicker....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.24.11 - 4:36 pm
will there be an "alternative" to MR 2.0
you know for those who want to keep it old school
palucha6601.27.11 - 10:30 pm
but dont worry too much. when you are working with no budget, shit moves slow and often not at all.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
01.27.11 - 10:33 pm
There is nothing bad with this version of the website. Would be cool if people can add their own Ridazz Spotlight tho.
palucha6601.27.11 - 10:40 pm
will there be a way to log in and stay logged in until you log out?
Two_Feet01.28.11 - 6:47 am
As long as it’s cumming and not going to Facebook or some other lame shit.
Kakihara01.28.11 - 3:32 pm
I kind of dread this.
PC01.28.11 - 3:47 pm
don't. it's really gonna mostly center around improving the calendar and a getting a knowledgebase wiki installed. If it ever happens that is...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
01.28.11 - 4:09 pm
Got a progress update on MR 2.0 it's still cumming.... t-minus a month or so....
For anyone who is afraid, it will function in much the same ways the site does now, but it will have much better feature functionality especially the calendar and the ridazz profiles. I'm pretty eggcited about this I think you will be too. finally a calendar that you can draw into your own iphone calendar or calendar program.... search by zip code by rides within radius of you..... and all of our archives will be transferred over to the new site preserving Ridazz history.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.10.11 - 12:11 pm
mine just dried up and shrunk into the size of a polka kielbasa
Roadblock responding to a
comment by ^olsko*jr7
03.10.11 - 12:51 pm
If you keep playing with it you'll go blind.
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.20.11 - 6:59 pm
I don't know if everyone is swallowing this yet.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.21.11 - 6:53 pm
you spit you die!
Xray05.22.11 - 3:43 pm