Thread started by
DIRTY HIPSTER at 09.2.10 - 4:10 pm
how is this ride? i used to go on it back on the day but i heard they changed shit up and now it sucks...what's the good word?
It's a great ride when they aren't going up crazy ass hills and 50 mile routes. It's a good group of riders that go at a medium to fast pace. If you're a beginner, I'd say take a month or so to build up your strength and endurance. But if that's not a problem then this is a great ride. It's not fast wolf pack, not slower like taco tuesdays but somewhere in between. I used to go on this every weekend but work has dampened that. But by far the one "small" ride I like the most.
ScooterHayes09.2.10 - 4:34 pm
Kush town approves this ride
I ride the ride which is this ride that i ride all the time on my sundays night just last week we did a route to glendora and it was the shit
Pnut9000509.2.10 - 4:52 pm
hell yeah nocturnal, solid group of riders. give them a try.
AIDS6609.2.10 - 4:55 pm
damn i havent been on this ride since Nica left to PDX. Gotta try it out soon
palucha6609.2.10 - 4:59 pm
I bitched out on the Glendora ride. I'm not up to speed yet. I need to hit up more rides. This is a very very good ride. I seriously think people should try it out. Everyone's real friendly and they look out for each other.
ScooterHayes responding to a
comment by Pnut90005
09.2.10 - 10:46 pm
Yeah this ride is something else!! One never knows what to expect...chill ride(25mi.) or a full on hustle for 60 miles.LOL but what ever goes down its a blast. Yeah everyone is respectful and friendly for sure. Who are u scooterhayes? I dont remember u.
o.PAsTY.o responding to a
comment by ScooterHayes
09.2.10 - 10:52 pm
I went 2 week ago on the La Canada ride. I wasn't there last week because I knew they were going far. I used to be on that ride every weekend about 6-7 months ago. But I got a job. Now that my hours have changed I can hit it up again. Looking forward to this Sunday.
ScooterHayes responding to a
comment by o.PAsTY.o
09.2.10 - 11:06 pm
this ride is awesome, erik and javi are really great guys and the people that come are chill and there's no bad elements. a while back when they forgot to post the ride up here only 4 of us showed up and we ended hiking up to the top of mount hollywood in griffith park. not that that is something to expect from this ride because they never do that, but these guys love to adventure around our metropolis and you could end up going ANYWHERE with them
superblueman309.3.10 - 12:02 pm
it's alot of riding.... show up on time....i got left last sunday.....
sparky808 responding to a
comment by Ride or Die (parkour)
09.14.10 - 3:17 am
Is this ride still going on? It's not posed up anymore. I have Sundays off and would like to go back
Dean453702.8.11 - 1:52 am
is this ride still going on?
it has been one of my favorties
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Dean4537
03.27.11 - 12:05 pm
This was one of my first bicycle rides it was just 5 people not from what I've heard is bunch of you guys..I'll be back during spring brake little dudes
El_Fredone04.6.11 - 5:04 pm
yeah sorry but this ride is no longer going on... some of the guys still ride dont have the time to host the ride anymore. Its sad to see such a good ride go down.
Every sunday night a small group of riders wold gather(12-20). About 11 of those riders would make it to the end and would return the next week. the others would not.
Forsure this ride will be missed....
I have the ride leaders number if anyone woul like to punk them into leading the ride again...
o.PAsTY.o04.6.11 - 7:35 pm
Looks like Nocturnal is back in business this Sunday night!!!!!!!!!!!
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by o.PAsTY.o
04.23.11 - 9:05 pm
Hell yeah soo sick! its a good ride for everyday riders.
o.PAsTY.o responding to a
comment by liquidpremium
04.24.11 - 6:05 pm
I love this ride, but have to get up real early on Monday mornings. Maybe I'll join them Memorial Day weekend.
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by o.PAsTY.o
04.24.11 - 8:16 pm