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vor at 03.1.09 - 8:34 pm
Man this would be great to have in LA:
It works well for Amsterdam. If LA were more like Amsterdam I would be all for it.
Of course there's the argument that will develop that bikes should not be legal on the streets if that sort of thing were to happen. However, in Amsterdam the car plays second fiddle to the bicycle and is considered a guest on the streets. You are allowed to ride on the streets if you must. The seperation is for the safety of cyclists. They might as well talk about Bicycle Signal lights as well in this video.
This really is a far fetched dream for the US to implement. It would change the way we would be able to ride on the streets, but nevertheless the issue is providing safety and encouraging the use of bicycles - I am all for it. Make it happen!
Now PC will give his condemnation speach.
Joe Borfo03.1.09 - 11:29 pm
the black suv that turns into the path of the cyclist at 6:43 belongs to a camera store i used to work for. random.
cassidy03.2.09 - 12:06 am
I think the worst is when police block the bike lane with their car. A far more common thing is trash cans in bike lanes, super annoying! I should start bringing a camera everywhere, and a marker to leave notes on the trash cans.
vor03.2.09 - 12:33 am
The embedded doesn't work for me, but that's because I like to roll with Gnash disabled. The link goes to a page with native video support in HTML5 for those that are not into being subservient to proprietary software.
vor03.2.09 - 12:47 am
Montreal has incredibly dense and crazy traffic in the downtown area and has a lot of separated lanes around there. There are also isolated paths along the river and the canals, sharrows in the less congested areas, and wide enough roads/shoulders in the even less congested areas. Some of the separated paths do some bizarre things (cross a street to the other side, pops up onto a really narrow sidewalk for 100 yards, back into the street for a few blocks, then cross back over) but for the most part it's not too bad. You can cover most of the island pretty well by bike, and a lot of it on separated paths or lanes, including getting into and out of congested areas.
bitingduck03.2.09 - 12:51 am
Cool! I might be going there in August for LGM could be good to bring my bike with me :)
vor03.2.09 - 12:54 am
A guy got a ticket in NY for not riding in the bike lane. So.. he decided to make a movie of what would happen if he always stayed in the bike lane.
digablesoul06.13.11 - 12:21 pm
Link would help..
Uploaded by caseyneistat on Jun 7, 2011
digablesoul06.13.11 - 12:21 pm
Man... it's been so long.
digablesoul06.13.11 - 12:23 pm