Police Stories from Mulholland Bridge last night...

Thread started by
DancesOnH2O at 07.17.11 - 12:37 pm

Bummed that I got back into town at 10:30pm and missed the Glow Ride! Was really looking forward to that. Looking forward to see you all again soon!
So... decided to do a solo. Climbed Sepulveda to the bridge to see what I could do to get a small piece of freeway action... after all, a Unicyclist with nobody else around at 1am, should be able to have some pull with the po-po and chippies, right?... WRONG!
CHP had NO sense of humor whatsoever when I tried to see if they would just roll with me on the freeway from Wilshire onramp to Santa Monica offramp... evidently they are trained to not cave in to a "nobody will even know it happened" / "but it's just me alone... you can hold my phone so you know I won't take pictures" pitch.
LAPD was pretty chill tho... they were hanging around on their motorcycles at the bridge area at the corners and near the newsvan encampment. Several of them had done LACM before. All they were there to do was secure the sepulveda/freeway fenceline near the bridge and one onramp. When I talked about going on the freeway, they said I could try, but chp would catch up to me pronto. Got the impression that if it were up to them, I would have been rolling down the 405!
I know... lots of you guys and gals would just say BOMB IT!... but unfortunately, I have a redline less than 20mph, and would have paid a hefty price for less than a minute's joy.
Best part was descending sepulveda. Def organizing a huge ride for the next closure, because there was LESS traffic on sepulveda than I've EVER seen!
Closed the ride with a SM Beach to Venice Pier and back loop... total ride mapped at 26.2miles. Wish I had other Ridazz there to ride with me, but at least I can share it here... ride on!!