Road Rage Driver Advisory

Thread started by
Roadblock at 06.21.11 - 5:32 pm

passing this message on from LA TriClub Dispatch:
"On Angeles Crest today, a silver Nissan XTERRA with license plate 4VCU492 slowed down to yell angrily at three pairs of cyclists and swerved into the shoulder cutting off two pairs (I was in one of the pairs). All three pairs were riding separately, didn't know each other, and were at different sections of the highway between Foothill
and Newcombs. Long story short, the car was reported, and the driver was stopped and arrested.
However, given that the driver seemed to show very little remorse when talking with the other pair of cyclists up at Newcombs Ranch and didn't seem all that well balanced, we are a little worried that he will continue his dangerous driving into cyclists. All three pairs of cyclists were riding up, so going slowly. If he does the same thing to cyclists riding down, it could be much worse.
So, please be careful if you see a silver Nissan XTERRA while riding on ACH, particularly if the driver slows down or yells at you. The car had a bike rack on it today, too. If you experience anything similar (or have already since crest has opened), please notify the California Highway Patrol to build a case on this guy.
Please forward to friends/groups that ride on Angeles Crest."
LAist picked up the story:
"The report noted that Cox acted in "complete disregard for the safety of the cyclists," showing no remorse for his actions, and displaying characteristics of "road rage." Consequently, they arrested Cox."
et06.27.11 - 5:08 pm
I think that RB meant to convey that other cyclists who are abused in the same manner by this vehicle lic plate should not ignore it, but call it in immediately so he can be arrested every time he does this, which would create a rap sheet whereby he would loose his license.
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
06.27.11 - 6:42 pm