LED Flash Valve Cap

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July at 06.18.11 - 1:41 pm
A thoughtful friend who caught the news, sent me a link to this website where they're selling LED Flash Valve Caps for $4.99 with free shipping. Now, normally, I'm not the type to buy such a "flashy", dare I say it, hipster worthy item, but with all the accidents happening nowadays I feel every bit inclined to be as illuminated as possible as I ride at night. Thought I'd share.
Green, Yellow, Blue and Pink LED valve caps for your tires
I bought a few dozen of these last year and gave them out on a ride in Chicago. meritline.com had them for under $1 shipped. They're not all that bright, but usually last for a couple weeks of riding before the button cell batteries die.
More recently I've been giving away rear blinky lights from the 99¢ Only store. The light plus 2 AAA batteries comes out to about $1.65.
bobdotorg06.18.11 - 3:03 pm