Ideas for Court

Thread started by
jinxy at 06.17.11 - 3:08 pm
Okay instead of posting in the thread with over 266 posts in it, all shouting about how screwed up the system is... lets make this about how to better present evidence to those unfamiliar with the Ridazz and the rides.
Idea 1:
Take video evidence of the "blind curve". Do a drive by, with and then without 100 or so ridazz in the day time, congregated in the same way they were that night.
Then, one more video at night. at least 500 feet away, have one cyclist turn on their rear light. then 2, then 3 then 10 then all they way to 100 cyclists with their lights on. head lamps and all. Then do a drive by to show how visible 100 cyclists with lights on really are.
See if this video can be included in a in-court presentation.
Then maybe take video/photos of at least 10 or 20 or hell even 100 street corners in LA and show that there are beer cans/bottles condoms and trash. Remind the court that the number one rule on a ride, is leave nothing behind.
anyone who's bike was destroyed, mangled, ran over dented what ever! bring it to the court house steps the day of her arraignment, so she and everyone else can see what she did.
What other ideas can be brought forth for a presentation? Demonstration? PROTESTration?
working on it right now... should be done in an hour or so....
Roadblock06.17.11 - 3:17 pm
when taking photos of videos make sure to note who took the photos and on what date they were taken so they can be properly authenticated at time of trial.
nolikedrive06.17.11 - 4:25 pm
I'm not a lawyer, but the whole discussion about condoms and trash or whatever seems pretty much irrelevant to the court case, yes? It's understandable that so many people are pissed off at the media's portrayal of the event (and at the officers who were apparently quite happy to provide such irrelevant details so that the media could get the "other side of the story"), but it seems like that's just a distraction from the legal issues.
The driver's lawyer might be interested in establishing whether or not the cyclists were drinking in the park beforehand (and if that's the case, maybe you'd want to ask the park rangers how often they find beer cans up there), but I actually think it's a little bizarre how much attention you guys are paying to the condom thing. Let the media obsess about that shit.
nathansnider06.17.11 - 4:31 pm
You have a point. But if there is to be a trial you would want it to be as fair as possible, with potential jurors going in with a clean mental state instead of negative connotations in their minds about cyclists. I mean, I think the novelty has run out with a lot of pedestrians and drivers in the city and over the years we haven't been thought of in such positive light as in years past. People will see the news and just say "oh, and they're also doing (insert what you'd like here) late night in the parks?"
I'm sure the defense lawyer will try to say something to that same effect: that midnight cyclists are not the most exemplary citizens only because they ride a bike, backing it up with seemingly irrelevant (it's only relevant in the smear campaign towards cyclists, not in the individual cases) bs, and that their client, up until this point, has had a good driving and criminal history/record which shows prudent and good judgement but who just happened to have made a grave mistake, which we're all capable of. They can try to sell the public on the notion that we break or bend the rules a lot more often.
July responding to a
comment by nathansnider
06.17.11 - 4:59 pm
I think they are going to have a hard time justifying a car going 40mph+ and never attempting to stop until after the accident.
It was irresponsible of her not watching where she was going. Several cars had passed us without a problem..
godmode responding to a
comment by July
06.17.11 - 10:38 pm
I'm going to post up a ride for her court date.
godmode06.17.11 - 10:39 pm
Relax, Snider. We're multitasking! The court case is one thing, the biased and/or gullible media is another. Both need to be addressed, regardless of how much effect either one has on the other.
PC responding to a
comment by nathansnider
06.17.11 - 10:39 pm