Thread started by
letdownloser at 06.13.11 - 7:58 pm
Hey to the forum. Any good ideas on what to do if a whoooooole lotta crap gets stole from your bike? I've been checking Craigslist for the last week. Ebay too...I dunno. Some bastard got my crankset, seatpost and brooks saddle, rear wheel...The whole kit n kaboodle. I had the rear wheel locked to the seat, but I regret to say that I don't think I actually looped it through the bike rack. I used to do that without thinking because I had a top tube pad with a little loop in it that my wire lock got threaded through, which made it necessary to go through the rack, but some asswad stole it the day before. THE DAY BEFORE! Siiiiigh.
Moral of the story is that I'm dumb, and left my bike locked up way too long without checking on it on sunset blvd of all places. But, I dunno. Sometimes I forget that I live in LA where shit like this just happens quite frequently.
Any good sites to check or shops where people unload used stuff? Looking back on this post, it's the last attempt from a desperate man to find my stuff. Or if not that, at least the shithead who stole it so I can lock my u-lock around their pathetic throat. The depressing part is that it had to be a fellow biker. They took my cranks! My seatpost! Rear wheel! They had tools to strip bikes. Don't see how someone who actually enthusiastically rode bikes could do that to a fellow biker.
End rant/depressing post.
The only thing that I can tell you is that most likely you will never see your property again. Thieves usually sell their stolen wares for much cheaper as fast as they can. If you want to get back at a bike thief, not exactly the one whole stole from you (but maybe), you can set a sting operation. Get a desirable bike, lock it up, and stake it out. When you start to see someone actually ripping shit out of it, rush that fuck and hamstring his mothafucking ass. That is the only way to send a message to bike stealing community. If you are going to steal a bike, you might get knocked the fuck out. No cops, no mercy.
Hippy Sippy06.13.11 - 8:12 pm
the sad thing is that there's probably nothing you can do but take it as a lesson learned.
thieves can keep, trade or sell the parts. sometimes ghetto bike shops will offer incentives for kids who steal bikes. (ie bring me three stolen fixies, and i'll give you your own for free). craigslist is an obvious place to look, but ebay is actually more likely, and ebay will do nothing for you and will protect the seller if you think you find your stolen goods.
yo shit is gawn.
tortuga_veloce06.13.11 - 8:39 pm
Hide yo bikes, hide yo kids!! hide yo wife, we gone find u.
^olsko*jr706.14.11 - 9:44 am
Funny...I've been heavily contimplating doing just that. I think one of my co-workers saw the same dude ripping off parts from a different bike in the same spot. Walked outside and some some dude running away with a rear wheel. Dude needs some cuts and bruises to change his shady ways. The fuck...
letdownloser responding to a
comment by Hippy Sippy
06.16.11 - 1:07 pm
what area was this? and what time was it?
adrian06.16.11 - 2:06 pm