Growing Up

Thread started by
Alfredo at 05.16.11 - 11:21 am
It's interesting....
You know, that mental transition from child to adult. Responsibilities, Society, Work, School, Dreams. And then POOF! It's gone.
you dont need to worry about any of that stuff if you move to portland sauce. go buy a trailer and retire at 21 like Graham did.
newarkhouse05.16.11 - 11:28 am
Yeah, it's just i'm not sure where my "portland" is.
Once I do, I'm sure I'll be fine settling into that environment.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
05.16.11 - 11:46 am
I guess this explains the extreme drop in user-ship as recorded by nathansnider and Moby.
Have fun, move on, find some other interesting way to get your collective rocks on in life.
bentstrider05.16.11 - 2:54 pm
If you stay young at heart - you'll never become an old fart!
(Age is just a number.)
You can always be young at heart while having responsibilities. ~Hugs~
Girl Power05.23.11 - 12:24 am
things happen for a reason if we like it or not but its what we do with the things that come our way.... fredo its going to be ok youll see i have lost the love of my life then i buried a friend then my buddy got almost killed by getting hit by a car... and all that happen in three days but you know what i wont give up seeing all my fellow ridazz helps me go on we are all family an some time people forget that... i fucken love all you ridazz thanks for being you all of you.....
smashen24705.23.11 - 1:50 am
Looks like someone hasn't had their propane today.
bentstrider06.1.11 - 5:57 am
Like one of my rich friends told me......."growing up in overrated". Thought that was hilarious statement
pauly-winkerstinkle06.24.11 - 12:33 pm
It awaits you always... the call of wheel(s). I loved cycling for years and it loved me more! Seduced out of engineering school by the idea of making a home of a bike shop and was around bikebiz for years with wallet squeezing by and the wind in my hair.
And then... I thought myself too big for all that... tried to grow up... ambitionsuitslackstiecufflinkssmugsmilingclosingearningfornicatingraisingbuyingfailingdreaming... waking... falling back in love with the tired wheels awaiting me so patiently in my dark garage.
And then I met the REAL cyclists... those that go out any time of night that there are others to share with.
You'll be Back... your wheels will be calling and we will be calling louder... every time you're waiting at a green light listening to us hoot and holler... we love you.
DancesOnH2O06.26.11 - 8:42 pm
Cos he gets up in the morning and he goes to work at nine
And he comes back home at five thirty, gets the same train every time
Cos his world is built on punctuality, it never fails
Cos he's oh so good, and he's oh so fine
And he's oh so healthy in his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively
Hippy Sippy06.26.11 - 11:06 pm
Hey Alfredo,
I'm sure everyone here will tell you: you never know where life is going to take you, and whats going to be thrown on you. Three years ago if you asked me if I would ever lived in Nigeria, I would have told you no, but here I am.
There is still a lot of good and challenging things to come. People complain about stress, but I tell you, stress just means your accomplishing something, you are still fighting. I been around people who try and find a way to live a peaceful stress free life and end up just getting bored.
The people you find most at peace with everything you mentioned in your post are those who have found a balance between what they are striving to achieve, and enjoying the life they have built for themselves.
Best of Luck
kaslik06.27.11 - 2:31 am
I'm going to rent myself a house
In the shade of the freeway
I'm going to pack my lunch in the morning
And go to work each day
And when the evening rolls around
I'll go on home and lay my body down
And when the morning light comes streaming in
I'll get up and do it again
Say it again
I'm going to be a happy idiot
And struggle for the legal tender
Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
To the heart and the soul of the spender
And believe in whatever may lie
In those things that money can buy
Thought true love could have been a contender
Are you there?
Say a prayer for the pretender
Who started out so young and strong
Only to surrender
alicestrong responding to a
comment by Hippy Sippy
06.27.11 - 8:53 pm