Thread started by
theshues at 04.22.11 - 6:06 pm

281 grams
white/ silver
I got this a bit ago, I wore it twice, thought it was a little overkill for commuting. I paid 185 for it, and im selling it for 130.
What's the point in selling it if it fits? How is it overkill? It's a helmet, might as well use it...
Selling it? You'll be losing money if you actually bought it.
Stolen? Not even a size mentioned. This just seems way to out of place.
AestheticMynd04.22.11 - 9:52 pm
and in fact you are wrong. i have a bell lumen that i use to ride, this has been a spare helmet, and Id rather it go to someone who will use it.. its a medium, and if you knew me outside of a handle on a forum, you would know i dont steal things.
assume = ASS out of YOU and ME
try not to, its not a good trait.
theshues04.24.11 - 12:56 pm
"Stolen? Not even a size mentioned. This just seems way to out of place."
first i was not phased. but then i did some research.
your either a tween, or you are too ignorant to respect your elders and the fact that not everything nice is stolen. think before you say, its not a race to the top. and you are no where near winning. why dont you do some research for yourself, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU STEAL A HELMET. brand new that is. box and all. you need to hang out with some different friends if you know ppl who can do that!!!!
theshues responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
04.24.11 - 1:00 pm
sorry, angelopes left me with a splitting headache, may be a bit testy.
theshues04.24.11 - 1:13 pm