NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Just added 3 bailout points to the OC/DC Route. Mile 20, Mile 24 (Amtrak) & Mile 38. Note: Mile 38 is "The point of no return".
Route for the Orange County Dark Century
FYI: Parking will be expensive this weekend April 16th - 17th because the Long Beach Grand Prix is in town. If you decide to park on the streets, please be aware of where you are parking and pay close attention to any and all signs you may encounter. Trust me, you don't want to ride 100 miles only to finish and find out your car was towed.
The countdown has begun and The orange county Dark Century post breakfast will be at the Shore House Cafe at 5331 E. 2nd St in Long Beach. Post ride Breakfast will be here
This is the Final Route for the OC/DC, 4/16/2011. OC/DC 4/16/2011 I made a few changes and we're avoiding PCH as much as possible to Avoid all the drunk drivers on PCH at 3 in the morning. Safety first!!! As for the route itself, it's a little complicated which translated means, if you don't know where you're going, don't lead.
6:30pm, Saturday April 16th, will probably feel like it's 90 degrees outside. Don't let those hot temps fool you into leaving the jackets at home. By Mile 50, the temperature will drop so bring that light jacket, arm warmers or whatever you need to keep your body temp regulated.
Absolutely beautiful day/night for the Orange County Dark Century. The moon is 97% full tonight. That's a pretty bright flashlight to help lead the way. It's almost time!!!
@Leslie, killer spoke card man, awesome breakfast, and as always great riding with you. We kept it pretty tight for 80 miles. That PCH stretch thinned us out a bit. Good ride and good times no matter what.
ridetime responding to a comment by Creative Thing
04.18.11 - 1:22 am