Thread started by
twistfunk at 06.1.10 - 1:28 pm
I'm friends with the editor of Bunker Hill Magazine, and he wants to use some pictures from the gallery for an upcoming issue. Anyone know how I can get a hold of Inorman, Hatehills, Tallcan, Wolfpack307, and Studiodrome?
keep bumping this and somebody will notify them.
Joe Borfo06.1.10 - 1:31 pm
Thanks. He definitely wants to give everyone credit, and he picked out some cool shots. I'll keep checking this thread.
twistfunk responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.1.10 - 2:29 pm
Thanks for link Borfo. Hit me up at studiodrome@hotmail.com
studiodrome06.1.10 - 4:02 pm
Thanks studiodrome. Still need Inorman, Tallcan, Hatehills, and Wolfpack307
twistfunk responding to a
comment by studiodrome
06.1.10 - 7:49 pm
Hello. I can be reached via this address: jc at jeanclaudephoto.com.
Man, I haven't logged in for a while. Jeez!
hatehills06.2.10 - 8:31 am
Dope, still need Inorman, Tallcan and Wolfpack307
twistfunk06.2.10 - 1:16 pm