Thread started by
DIRTY HIPSTER at 03.11.10 - 12:16 pm
well i thought i would bring this up among my fellow riders because i feel like we are close like that my little friend has been feeling a little odd lately i am hoping that nothing is seriously wrong it has just been itching a lot and it feels kinda bumpy too i hope it is not an std but i really dont know
anyone have experience in this situation???!!!!
eeewww. See a doc.
sancho103.11.10 - 12:19 pm
Please! A real hipster wouldn't even care, right?
Joe Borfo03.11.10 - 12:22 pm
not necesarily dude i can't go to the Dresden or the Viper Room to pick up chicks only for them to find out i have a jacked up member i gotta get this shit handled ASAP!!!
DIRTY HIPSTER responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.11.10 - 1:03 pm
First Start with a shower. Your making us look bad
hipster responding to a
comment by DIRTY HIPSTER
03.11.10 - 1:19 pm
but the hipster dillemma remains the same
will i or wont i take a shower?
DIRTY HIPSTER responding to a
comment by hipster
03.11.10 - 1:29 pm
make sure you have about 4 hours of free time and go to a free clinic before ur dick falls off.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by DIRTY HIPSTER
03.11.10 - 1:45 pm
vermont / santa monica blvd...
I think you're lying, so it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor period
md2 responding to a
comment by DIRTY HIPSTER
03.11.10 - 2:25 pm
if the clinic doesn't accept you and ur way broke and have no insurance, go to USC county hospital. the wait sucks but its better than nothing.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by DIRTY HIPSTER
03.11.10 - 2:31 pm
probably just jock itch
if not-
newarkhouse03.11.10 - 3:35 pm
problem solved i think, i just pulled out one of these guys...
DIRTY HIPSTER03.11.10 - 3:45 pm
hurry before they have to amputate...
Volta03.11.10 - 3:46 pm
dude you need to always where a comdom when you ride a strangers bike that you meet at some trendy bar! SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT THE CRABS!!!!!
818rider03.11.10 - 4:06 pm
dont worry i get a lot of those things in my manhole .bumps n itching!
you be alright bitch.
just wash ure wiener with clorox and alconox
speedy0903.11.10 - 7:30 pm
fuck your dirty.. i dont even want to share the same forum with you
Jet-son responding to a
comment by DIRTY HIPSTER
03.11.10 - 7:33 pm
omg JETSON!! nice default pic can i hang with you guys?
speedy09 responding to a
comment by Jet-son
03.11.10 - 7:35 pm
you wanna hang out with us?
or do you just wanna get to know that big brown eye a little better?
Jet-son responding to a
comment by speedy09
03.11.10 - 7:38 pm
oh man not as good as the other STD
froums but still good keep it UP guys...
Xray03.12.10 - 10:54 am
Tarmonster's approval of Jet-son pic +1
md3 responding to a
comment by Tarmonster.
03.12.10 - 11:07 am
+1000 for the crab.......i burst out laughing in my class and everyone wondered why i had a picture of a crab with money on the computer
superblueman303.12.10 - 11:52 am