NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Main Entry:
dis·cuss Listen to the pronunciation of discuss
transitive verb
Middle English, from Anglo-French discusser, Latin discussus, past participle of discutere to disperse, from dis- apart + quatere to shake — more at dis-, quash
14th century
1obsolete : dispel2 a: to investigate by reasoning or argument b: to present in detail for examination or consideration c: to talk about3obsolete : declare
— dis·cuss·able or dis·cuss·ible Listen to the pronunciation of discussible \-ˈskə-sə-bəl\ adjective
— dis·cuss·er noun
synonyms discuss, argue, debate mean to discourse about in order to reach conclusions or to convince. discuss implies a sifting of possibilities especially by presenting considerations pro and con . argue implies the offering of reasons or evidence in support of convictions already held . debate suggests formal or public argument between opposing parties ; it may also apply to deliberation with oneself ~I'm debating whether I should go~.
I'm pretty sure BBD has the trailer and will be pulling the trailer. He's not a big smiths fan, so most likely we'll not have the smiths force down our collective throats until we're begging for mercy.
I'd like to see LACM go south on Western to the West Adams district and check out the amazing homes. But there are some hills on Western that not all may like.
The last LACM was composed of like 3 different rides all colliding at once resulting in some crazy crazy massing critically. Or something like that. I didn't know whether I was on LACM or some after-ride or wuuttt.
Friday August 29, 2008
Meet at Wilshire and Western Metro Station 6:30pm
Ride at 7:30pm sharp
LA Critical Mass rides through the city of Los Angeles, exerting our right as bicycles to the road.
This is a easy-paced ride.
Fixed-gear fast riders are encouraged to cork intersections then ride up to the front of the pack and cork again.
Though LAPD has been mostly tolerant of our rides, we don't want to provoke them. Since this is a night ride, you might want to get a rear red blinking light and a front white blinking light. If they (LAPD) tell us to stop at the red lights, we should stop. When they drive off, we can resort back to our old LA Critical Mass ways.
USC riders meet at Tommy Trojan 6:00pm, Ride to LACM at 6:30pm.
UCLA riders meet at the Bruin Bear 5:30pm, ride to LACM at 6:00pm
Westside/Culver City/Mar Vista/Palms riders meet at Crank Mob park 6:00pm, ride to LACM at 6:30pm
Eastside, Valley and beyond, please use the Metro Gold Line, Blue Line and Red Line to get to the Wilshire and Western Metro station. Yes, you can take your bike on all Metro trains.
I'm not sure which direction the ride will go, and that's the way it should be. If you guys want to take it some direction, lobby others at the start. I'll be lobbying to not end the ride at a preconceived place and time.
If there's another ride after the LACM, then we can work on a meetup point when that time comes. This allows alot more freedom for the group to wonder and not be restricted.
Since a lot of riders are out of town at Burning Man, we have a shortage of corkers and people shouting 'one of us!' Do you think she could help out?
The ride is usually an easy meandering 12 mph +- 3 mph depending on the ride momentum. How long? We never know but often the ride which starts around 730p will then meet up with a 930-10p ride so that may give you an idea. You can always bale at anytime and ride back to the start too.
Damn it I'd totally cork but I'm bringing my cousin from Sacramento tomorrow, so I can't leave her. Ahhh totally forgot, and I just got excited about corking!
Diana, she shouldn't have any trouble keeping up. The bigger the ride, the easier it is to keep up. Just make sure the tires are pumped up on her bike. The corkers shouldn't be needed too often if we keep everyone together.
Clearly my dry sense of humor went un-noticed or appreciated. (sigh)
I was totally kidding about having some new 15 year old girl try and cork an intersection. And i'm positive we'll have plenty of fixie-happy corkers. Never seems to be a shortage of those good folks.
(mental note: re-assess jokes in front of mirror before posting)
Everyone's acting like Burping Mann is some type of Ridazz Special Forces/Core Elite deployment.
Really, the tasks required to keep this LACM together should be quite easy at best.
I'm quite sure there are a steady stream of veterans around to follow leads off of.
Have at it people!!!
Maybe we can make a b-line for downtown and pimp Eddie out?
We'll put a bag over his head and comeback Sunday. We'll split the money fair and square. 75% for us 25% for Eddie. After all he may need to buy some new shorts, so he's going to need some money. He always seems to loose his shorts when I pimp him out. The guy's a slow learner, if you know what I mean.
couldn't make it out to the ride tonight due to dinner plans with a buddy leaving town. but i did see you guys (i think) going north on vermont at 3rd at around 10? saw a few riders going up earlier at like 9:30 then followed by the main pack and then a few more riders trailing behind. it was pretty cool to watch CM roll though- i've never seen it as an outsider. see you guys next month.