Dumb Construction

Thread started by
thegodofthor at 10.1.09 - 8:52 am
So I have a complaint, I live near the Supulveda Recreation area and they have been doing construction at the corner of Victory and Balboa for a month or so now. Well they took up the old curb (at the south east corner of this intersection) a while ago. Well yesterday they replaced it.
The old curb had a 6 foot curb cut, the new curb has a 3 foot curb cut that faces straight out into the middle of the intersection. normally this would not matter, but this intersection is part of the bike path network and the bike path still heads west to white oak from there.
My problem is that it will not make it even harder for the weekend riding family to get though this intersection on a bike, this curb cut is barely big enough for a trailer, and maybe 2 bikes.
Ya ya, I know, lapd says riding in a crosswalk is illegal.
but tell that to the 100 families or so that are going to be surprised by this retarded over sight.
personally, when I have the kid in a trailer, i head south and use the bike underpass near the river, but I generally never see anyone else use it.
Rant over
Cities should be more proactive in requiring that construction projects they pay for make all reasonable accommodations for bikes--even in the majority of cases where there is no bike lane involved. It shouldn't be so black or white, bike lane or nothing for bikes. There are plenty of cases where just a little bit more room, or the right curbing, shoulders, etc can make a road safer and more pleasant to ride on.
0gravity10.1.09 - 10:35 am