3 arrested for assaulting female cyclist

Thread started by
DJwheels at 10.9.09 - 1:07 pm
I was checking out the LAPD blog and came across this crazy ass story:
click here
here's a quick summary:
On September 20, 2009, at around 2:10 am, an 18-year-old female and two of her companions had just completed a bike ride with their bike club. They were on their bicycles on Olympic Boulevard near Curson Avenue when they were confronted by four men, who intended on robbing them. One of the suspects struck the 18-year-old in the face with a wooden bat and another stole her iPhone, detectives said. The group then drove off in a black Dodge Charger.
Anybody know the victim? I wish her a speedy recovery.
FYI: These douche bags also have court appearances next week at the Criminal courthouse in downtown L.A. (210 W. Temple St.):
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 8:30am - Division 40 (5th floor, Room 5-309)
case # BA36282102, BA36282101, 36282103
Dodge Charger?
If it was a newer model or virgin classic, I'll bet a months pay that that thing was stolen as well, or acquired through some other "back door" means.
bentstrider10.9.09 - 1:13 pm
i'd totally go except i'll be working then,
Delirium10.9.09 - 1:13 pm
Thanks djwheels for posting, fellas we encourage females to ride with us, lets be a little more vigilant of our surroundings.....
UR10-2010.9.09 - 2:15 pm
Damm, near that same time I was rolling back from Crank Mob on Pico with my crew, wish we could have ridden together or been there when this shit took place.
What a bunch of chicken shit punk assholes, anyone got pics or mug shots of these losers?
Hope she gets better soon.
X-Large10.9.09 - 2:51 pm
Damm Damm, I think I remember a car like that kind of cruising near us for a while and Uncle Richard was like "look out for that car, somethings not right". We were rolling deep around 10 or 15 ridaz, so those punks took off. Wow, shit is fucking crazy!
X-Large10.9.09 - 3:01 pm
i'm livid from reading this. We've been attacked before by some gang banger douche bags in an suv before. they too have a court date. They tried to crush a rider with their car. But they are just getting a driving under the influence charge. What are we supposed to do to protect ourselves while riding in small numbers late at night?
I can't accept just not riding. I love riding too much. But i also have to protect myself. It seems like these sociopaths can and do get away with attempted murder.
Do we ride strapped? THat seems extreme. Do we get all shaolin monk style busting out bamboo reeds upside their heads? (training please)
If someone did this to my girlfriend i would never rest till justice was served: judicial or street.
I know there have been threads talking about bear mace and bear dicks but i don't know if a bear dick would really be that effective.
onemanstrash10.9.09 - 3:26 pm
Shit,I live not too far from that area. I like riding around there, that sucks.
Gav10.9.09 - 5:07 pm
Someone has to know who these victims are. More than likely they were coming from the Crank Mob ride. Hope she's doing better.
User110.9.09 - 5:13 pm
i live at curson and pico and ride down curson there late at night all the time O_O
superblueman310.9.09 - 6:10 pm
what a bunch of bullshit, who hits a girl with a bat?! Everyone should carry pepper spray or a hand tazer if they are riding in small groups at night.
Volta10.9.09 - 6:39 pm
"The victim suffered massive facial fractures and was rushed to a local hospital where she underwent 12 hours of surgery."
This is ijust plain fucking inhuman,
angle10.9.09 - 6:41 pm
In cases like this I can understand the urge for retaliation.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by angle
10.9.09 - 6:45 pm
Dude! Olympic and Curson is a Good safe area In Los angeles...these fuck face basterds we're obviously looking for some one to rob..
skano10.9.09 - 6:58 pm
yeah im surprised..i ride in that area all the time..
Huey55510.9.09 - 10:05 pm
this is tragic and all, but sometimes it's little funny how matter-of-fact they are in police reports.
"Hello there, it is my intent to rob you and your colleagues. Hold still while I strike your face with my sporting goods and take your digital accessories."
professor fate10.10.09 - 12:33 am