naked party!!!!!

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blackout_blacklung at 05.14.09 - 2:30 am
if you hang out with forte and zombiesgotmytogue you end up naked drinking wiskey at 3 am even if you just want to go to sleep
i actually was going to take pictures but then kalie and i decided to butt dance up on brian and i forgot about taking pictures.
ZombiesGotMyTongue05.14.09 - 12:33 pm
i met kalie last night. and she mentioned a mongoose. i guessing you guys had one of those nights after the mosey/wndsrs.
sciencefriction05.14.09 - 12:45 pm
the mongoose was out with all force last night. hahaha
tarsis called brian when we were naked and we tried to convince her to come over and join our naked party. she wouldn't come tho, hahaha
ZombiesGotMyTongue05.14.09 - 12:54 pm
someone brought back the portland vibes
larsenf05.14.09 - 1:06 pm
it's true. she was the one who started it. she got naked, then i got naked, then brian HAD to wake up and get naked too. hahaha
ZombiesGotMyTongue05.14.09 - 1:07 pm
i like to get naked its fun!!!! its one thing i brought back from portland. so watch out now. its was fun no more whiskey though i blame the whisky. lauren its all your fault for bringing that out.
forte05.14.09 - 1:38 pm
wndsrs rode home bottomless
66605.14.09 - 1:42 pm
lol i can't help i like da whiskey! but u gotta admit it was a good idea.
ZombiesGotMyTongue05.14.09 - 1:45 pm