taking your cog off..

Thread started by
theshues at 09.30.09 - 6:09 pm
is so hard, i took my lockring off and i have been skidding infront of my house for 20min, and my cog will not budge hahahahha ugh... guess im going to have to wait till tomorrow...
what do you guise do when you dont have a chainwhip?
is it supposed to be this difficult?
I know on cassettes, I haven't been able to get it off without a chainwhip.... someone has got to have one.
braydon09.30.09 - 6:14 pm
go to the bike shop! it shouldn't be expensive.
mmaceda09.30.09 - 6:15 pm
ya im going for free, ill just wait till tomorrow then i can get a ride!
theshues09.30.09 - 6:17 pm
there's that rotafix method to tighten cogs, I suppose you can do the opposite to take one off.
Gav09.30.09 - 6:52 pm
ay shues, ive got a chainwhip if youre local in the next two hours or so.
three one oh, 5sixseven, 6twoeight4
angrytoaster3009.30.09 - 7:01 pm
appreciate it guise, i got it off with a chainwhip from a friend...
theshues responding to a
comment by angrytoaster30
09.30.09 - 8:27 pm
you can do it keeping the chain on and the wheel in the shit.
its some italian method or something that ethan from bike kitchen showed me once. try googling cog "no chainwhip" w/o something i dont fucking know, but it can be done ive seen it.
you need a rag to protect the tubing from being scratched.
mikeywally responding to a
comment by theshues
09.30.09 - 8:35 pm
Gav responding to a
comment by mikeywally
09.30.09 - 8:48 pm
Sometimes using the right tool is the way to go.
For instance - see this epic thread - http://www.bikeforums.net/showthread.php?t=303648
JB09.30.09 - 9:04 pm
anybody on the eastside have an chainwhip/lockring tool that i could come by and use?
madmike responding to a
comment by angrytoaster30
10.2.09 - 12:28 pm
dude, rota fix ... its easy and it's way stronger than a chain whip.
and for the lockring use a flat screwdriver and a hammer
666 responding to a
comment by madmike
10.2.09 - 2:35 pm