Pix without a Ride????

Thread started by
rideaholic at 05.3.11 - 7:57 pm

Yo, why the change from Rideaholics Pic Gallery to Pix without a ride??
We ride on Sundays, every so often, can we get some <3 and have our gallery back?? We are just starting out, but geezzzzzzzz!!!!
this is on the add photos page:
Due to costs, bandwidth and mainly aesthetics, we don't have the space to host every single photo you took on the ride, at the gas station, at the bus stop, behind the alley and while you were in line at 7/11 etc.. SO.... PLEASE Pick out your BEST shots and crop them, sharpen them, do what ya gotta do to filter out the redundancies, the blurries, the dark shots, the nothing shots the eyelids half closed shots. You took seven shots of the same exact scene/people? Put up the BEST of the series.Think about which of your photos will tell a story about the ride itself and the night of adventure that is Midnight Ridazz. Make em clear and make em fun. Show a slice of Ridazz life. Show us your SMILE. Show us you had a great time. Show us your.... no, on second shot don't show us that.
PS. Look to see if an appropriate category exists already before you create a new one.
barleye05.4.11 - 11:39 am
What you talking 'bout, Willis?
If I understand him correctly, this IS a ride (and, anyway, the distinction between a "ride" and a group of ridazz is becoming increasingly blurred). So "pix without a ride" is not the appropriate category at all.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by barleye
05.4.11 - 3:03 pm
It's more cool that way... Like The Ride With No Name!
gado_gado responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
05.4.11 - 4:23 pm
the pictures are of guys cooking and appeared to be a few random pics from google images possibly? with rideaholics written on them....there weren't any ride pics....
with that said...there doesn't HAVE to be riding pics but I was unaware of a ride called Rideaholics...Pix without a ride seemed appropriate.
with that said...rwnn has a day time ride next weekend.
barleye responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
05.4.11 - 4:53 pm
fuck it...you guys want a rideaholic gallery? i'll put it back up.
barleye05.4.11 - 4:57 pm
The people have spoken and Give the people want they want, barleye... even if its not a ride.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by barleye
05.4.11 - 5:20 pm
Shamless plug and with that said.... Monday Night Rehab in the (818) every monday night.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by barleye
05.4.11 - 6:46 pm
Rideaholics IS actually a ride. Doesn't have a set day or time but is a sporadic posting that usually happens on a Sunday, but sometimes on a Saturday night, and also could be on on a day the ends in Y. I think we are up to numba 5 ! If you look close at the bbq pixs you can see everyone's bikes in the background ;) but anyway thanks for the gallery!
rideaholic05.4.11 - 7:17 pm